Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cynthia Rowley "Hurt Couture" Band-Aids

Fashion forward klutzes rejoice! There's finally some super cute Band-Aids to cover up all your boo-boos.

Cynthia Rowley has a new line of fashionista-proof Band-Aids that range in different sizes and patterns. Her chic Band-Aids, which have recently been featured in US Weekly, are the perfect solution for accident-prone fashionistas that want to keep their cuts and scrapes clean without ruining their overall look.

Fifth annual Oktoberfest in Old Town

Kick off your October the right way this Friday and Saturday by checking out the fifth annual Oktoberfest in Old Town. The Old Town Commercial Association is hosting this German-themed festival, which will feature German food, music and most!

The festival will feature live entertainment between 6 and 11 p.m. on Friday and from 2 to 11 p.m. on Saturday. Tickets are $17 at the door or $13 if you buy them online (by tonight!). Ticket price includes admittance to the beer tent, a souvenir beer stein and three food and drink tickets. All proceeds will go directly to the Old Town Commercial Association and the continuing revitalization of Old Town.

So come, drink and be merry at Old Town's Oktoberfest this weekend! You know you want to.

For more information on the event, visit the 2010 Old Town Oktoberfest website.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chanel's new luxurious mascara.

Have you ever dreamed of owning something from Chanel? Well, now you can for only $30!

Chanel's new luxurious mascara Inimitable Intense Mascara Multi-Dimensionnel is perfect for Chanel fanatics that desire the most beautiful lashes. This mascara delivers dramatic results, making lashes appear longer, thicker and curlier without clumping or flaking. One swipe is like putting three coats on, yet it keeps each individual lash separated. If you desire even thicker lashes, apply a primer on lashes before applying Chanel's Inimitable Intense.

If you're dying to go out and buy Chanel's new Inimitable Intense right away, you can find it at Neiman Marcus and other fine retail stores.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chevy's "nostalgic" (i.e. sexist) advertisement

'Remember when your cup holder sat next to you and wore a poodle skirt?'

Remember ladies, women should always sit in the passenger seat... never the driver's seat. And women should wear skirts, cos they're feminine and pretty. And women should hold the man's drink - since she's not gonna be driving, she might as well make herself useful.

I get that Chevy is playing on the whole nostalgia thing with this ad... but seriously, did they have to serve up their nostalgia with a side of sexism?

Feminist stuff you should do this weekend!

There are a whole bunch of cool things happening this weekend that Calgary feminists should definitely check out!

1. Margaret Cho at the Jubilee - October 1

She's a funny feminist. Some people say those two things can't exist together, but Ms. Cho is proof that they can. Check out her video about the elusive G-Spot.

2. The Penelopiad at the Martha Cohen Theatre - Until October 9

Written by an awesome Canadian feminist, Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad is Atwood's interpretation of the classic story, The Odyssey. It tells the story of Penelope, the faithful wife of the wandering warrior-king Odysseus, during her 20-year wait for his return home. It’s also directed by a woman - Vanessa Porteous - and features eleven female actresses.

3. Screening of the film ‘December 6’

Local feminist film maker, Cara Mumford, hosts a screening of her film December 6. The film makes use of spoken word poetry, dance and collage to send a message about the Montreal Massacre of 1989.

October 3, 1:00 p.m.
Temple B'nai Tikvah - 900 47th Avenue SW
Free admission

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rock Alexander McQueen without breaking the bank.

Every Spartanista should be able to rock a beautiful designer piece of jewelry without breaking the bank, and Alexander McQueen’s Swarovski-encrusted skull cocktail rings do just that.

McQueen’s sculptured skull cocktail rings are bound to make your hand a conversation starter. The rings, which range in price from $295 to over $500, are a less expensive way to own a luxury designer piece without spending thousands of dollars.

You can buy McQueen's luxe rings at the design house's website or at Saks Fifth Avenue.

Tonight's Show: Tribute to Jasmine Valentina and interview with feminist film maker

Tonight we pay tribute to feminist, artist, and all-around awesome lady, Jasmine Valentina. Jasmine was tragically killed in Brooklyn, NY a few weeks ago, and Calgary's arts and feminist communities have been mourning ever since. Tonight we look back on an interview we did with Jasmine last year, play some music from her fave bands, and remember how rad she was.

We will also interview local feminist film maker, Cara Mumford, about a screening of her film, December 6. Cara's film is described on her website:

December 6 is a short poetry dance film set to a spoken word
commentary by Evalyn Parry about societal and media responses to violence against women, with the 20th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre as the central focus. The film includes performances from 14 female dancers, showcasing a variety of world dance traditions, symbolizing that violence against women can happen to any woman, anywhere.

Film screening in Calgary
Sunday, October 3
Temple B'Nai Tikvah
900 47th Avenue SW
1:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Photography Spotlight: W Magazine

We don't think we've seen two people look so good together in a while. And, man, do Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams look simply stunning in these new photos from W Mag's October cover shoot. Enjoy.

Side-note: We can't wait to see December's Blue Valentine starring these two. The film world is abuzz with intense praise!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Movie Review: Easy A

Do you want your life to resemble an '80s movie? If so, you have a lot in common with Easy A's Olive (Emma Stone)... and us. This film hits teen comedy on the nail and is loaded with terrific lines. No one's winning any Oscars here, but we guarantee this film will be entertaining people for generations (think Clueless). We just love seeing the adorable Penn Badgley in that boy-who-noticed-you-when-no-one-else-did role (see John Tucker Must Die) not to mention the film's borrowing from one of the most underrated comedies of the 2000s, Saved. If you can't catch Easy A in theaters, definitely rent it on a future night in.
Best on-screen moment: Just about anytime there were blatant John Hughes references because, let's face it, the guy was brilliant. [And it must be said that the "Pocketful of Sunshine" solo was to die for.]

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Art of Social Conscience

Norm Magnusson's public art, The I-75 Project, is an "art of social conscience." The artist uses signs that look like state-sponsored historical information signs, located at rest stops along the Interstate-75, to display messages about everything from the male-female pay discrepancy to homophobia to healthcare. Norm describes his signs/messages as "gently assertive and non-confrontational, firmly thought provoking... and just a little bit subversive."

Interstate-75 starts in Michigan (on the Canadian border), and then travels south down to Florida. After leaving Michigan, the highway doesn't touch another Democratic (Blue) state - it's Republican territory all the way down. These left-wing messages are likely to ruffle some feathers in the States! What a cool art project, and a great way to challenge people's ideas on some very sensitive topics.

bd's Mongolian BBQ Fundraiser TONIGHT

Help us raise some money and support our cause tonight at Mongolian BBQ, 2080 W. Grand River Ave. in Okemos. We will be your guest grillers and are so excited to see everyone there!

Do You Dream of Owning Designer Duds?

Well now maybe you can!

Online site allows the fashion lover in all of us to purchase designer pieces as they weed them out each season. All you have to do is create an account with them and search away. The premise is they put an item up and it's price gradually decreases.

Pictured to the right are Thakoon booties, originally valued at around $1,300 but currently selling on the site for just $299. It may not be in everyone's price range, but some items sell for as low as $30, so it's worth the free membership just in case.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Album Review: Hands All Over

Adam Levine has possibly one of the coolest, best voices of our generation of rockers. Now, we know Maroon 5's style isn't quite "rock" the way most people think of it, but they do play and write all their music so we consider them a rock band in that sense. This newest release from Maroon 5 will satisfy die-hard fans for sure and may convert some new ones. We don't know if they'll ever be able to top the awesomeness that was 2002's Songs About Jane but their efforts since have been great regardless (compare 2002's "Shiver" to this year's "Stutter"). Hands All Over is no exception. Entirely produced by Robert "Mutt" Lange, this album continues in the same vein as the band's last release, It Won't Be Soon Before Long, and comes equipped with lyrics like "My hands have been bound by the shackles of love" ("How") and a collaboration with Lady Antebellum ("Out of Goodbyes"). We strongly recommend at least a listen.
Most notable tracks: "Hands All Over," "Runaway"

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Arrive early at Take Back the Night to make signs and glowing lanterns!

Take Back the Night is Thursday, September 23 at 8:00 p.m. in Connaught Park (11th St and 14th Ave SW). Arrive between 7:15 and 7:50 p.m. to make signs and lanterns! Materials are provided.

The lanterns are made with a brown paper bag, a glo sticks, some string and a stick!

Visit the Take Back the Night Calgary website for more details, or check out the Facebook event page.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Gang rape video and pictures spread on Facebook

The CBC is reporting that images and videos of a gang rape outside a rave in Pitt Meadows, B.C. are going viral on the internet.

A 16-year old girl was drugged and raped by 5 to 7 men in a field early Saturday morning. Police say that a 16-year-old boy took photos and videos of the gang rape, and posted them on Facebook. The images and video were then re-posted by others, and police are having a hard time stopping it.

RCMP Inspector Derren Lench said, "This victim is having to relive it on a daily basis, because we get the photos taken off, and then all of a sudden they're redistributed and others are viewing it." People caught posting these videos can be charged with child pornography, as the girl is under age.

This story is incredibly disturbing, and raises many concerns about how the police will deal with these types of incidents as we move into an increasingly digital world. Videos and images can go viral within minutes, even seconds. How can we protect the privacy and dignity of victims in situations like this?

Jezebel also has a post on this, discussing the victim-blaming that has been going on. Apparently anonomous commenters wrote things like, "Straight up WHORE," a "complete slut," and "Cmon who's not down for a gang bang" on Facebook. Additionally, a guy identified as Justin said to CTV, "We are thinking it's being over-exaggerated. I don't think she was as messed up as she's making it out to be," he said. "I don't think she was raped.... Apparently she was saying stuff."

It makes me disgusted and embarassed to be a member of the human race when I see this kind of victim-blaming and the backwards notions of consent that so many people in our society have.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Six reasons why you should attend Take Back the Night

Take Back the Night is a march and rally held every year in September with the purpose of raising awareness about violence against women.

  1. Every year in Canada approximately 178 women are murdered. As a comparison, 152 members of the Canadian Forces have been killed serving in Afghanistan since 2002. Each received respectful media coverage, as they should have. Yet more women are killed on average each year, often with no public attention at all, than the total of soldiers killed since we joined the Afghan war.

  2. 39% of Canadian women have experienced at least one incident of sexual assault since the age of 16, but only 6% reported the crime to the police. The other 94% remain the silent majority. Take Back the Night encourages women to end the silence and speak out about these experiences. If we remain silent, nothing will change.

  3. 83% of Canadian women fear walking to their cars in a public garage after dark alone. 75% fear waiting for/using public transportation. 60% fear walking alone in their own area. During Take Back the Night we march in the streets to symbolize the right women have to feel safe in public.

  4. Of sexual assaults reported to police in Canada in 2002, 64% took place in a residence, 26% in a public place, and 11% in commercial places. Because so many assaults happen in the home, they are invisible to the public and thus easily ignored. Take Back the Night is important because it brings a private issue out into the public.

  5. During a 12 month period between 2007 and 2008, 61,690 women were admitted to one of 569 shelters across Canada. 75% of women seeking refuge in a shelter are escaping abuse, but only 25% report the abuse.

  6. Violence against women does NOT just affect the woman – it impacts the entire society. The social and economic costs of violence against women are enormous and have ripple effects throughout society. Women may suffer isolation, inability to work, loss of wages, lack of participation in regular activities, and limited ability to care for themselves and their children. Their children, family and friends also suffer in immeasurable ways.
Take Back the Night - Calgary 2010

When: Thursday, September 23
Where: Connaught Park (11th St and 14th Ave SW)
Time: Event begins at 8:00 p.m. Arrive earlier to make signs and lanterns. Some materials provided.
More info: the TBTN website, or the Facebook event.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Goodbye Jasmine Valentina

Jasmine Valentina [Jasmine Herron] was a shining light in Calgary’s feminist community. She came to Calgary from Colorado to attend the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD) and while she was here she made a significant impact on our feminist community. She was an incredibly creative and inspirational woman.

In June 2009 we interviewed her about a feminist performance art project she did. She dressed like a 1950’s housewife and pulled a "mobile home" behind her through Stephen Avenue. The project, entitled "Domestic Mobility" was an attempt to re-contextualize femininity as a symbol of strength. She made many other contributions to Calgary’s feminist community, including starting a Feminist Book Club at ACAD, bringing feminist documentaries to Calgary and hosting feminist art shows. And these are just the things I am aware of... she was a real powerhouse.

Jasmine had recently graduated from ACAD and was living in New York. The NY Post reports that she was riding her bike on Saturday evening when a driver opened a car door and knocked her into the path of a bus. She was struck by the bus and died shortly after.

Jasmine only planned on staying in New York for two more weeks. On September 6th she wrote on Facebook, "Dear New York, here is my two weeks notice. Everything inside of me is telling me to leave..."

Goodbye Jasmine. We will miss you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tonight's Show: A Feminist Tribute to the 1980's

If you love the 80's, you're gonna love this one. We're doing a feminist tribute to the 80's - we'll discuss events, laws and issues that came into play during the 1980's and have affected Canadian women ever since!

Topics of discussion:

1982 - The Canadian Constitution is established and equality of the sexes included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

1986 - The Federal Government passes the Employment Equity Act.

1986 - The Supreme Court of Canada decides that the non-therapeutic sterilization of mentally deficient adults may not be authorized by the courts.

1987 - Systemic discrimination in the hiring of women is found to be unlawful.

1988 - Abortion laws change making it possible for Canadian women to have abortions without approval from a committee.

1989 - Supreme Court of Canada decides that sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination.

1989 - Fourteen women are murdered at The École Polytechnique in Montreal by a man who claimed to be fighting feminism.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Album Review: Versus

For the first time, R&B singer Usher has released an EP of nine tracks. Though the short disc has a significantly pop-y feel, we are totally digging these new selections and appreciate the release (especially as we were not all that fond of Raymond v Raymond, apart from "OMG"). If you're looking for the dance tracks of the season, look no further than Versus. If you don't agree, I'd avoid the bar/club scene for the next month or so.
Most notable tracks: "Hot Tottie," "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love"

VIMwatch: 2010 VMA Style


To start, VIM chose Ciara because she is rockin' one of our favorite fall trends - lace. Not to mention, the R&B singer is doing it in head-to-toe Givency. Sold.

Apparently we have an all-new obsession with Selena Gomez because it feels like we blog about her a lot, but can we help it that she just hits it every time? We think not. For one, not many people can pull off metallic. Ever. But this Reem Acra number on Miss Gomez looks plain stunning and we can't wait to see what she wears next.


We fell in love with the Justins last night. Though we have two major things to say: 1) black is quite the trend and 2) seriously, when is JT coming out with new music?!

We have to give Bieber props. Though the outfit is a bit busy, we like the sneaker accent and love his vest. Biebs should however take a note from others and drop the "I'm a thug" posing, it's convincing no one. Need we remind you of Miley's months of giving paps the "peace" sign. Thought so.

Last, but not least, Mr. Timberlake. My how we've missed you. I suppose we could watch you on the big screen but it's just not the same as hearing you sing to us. Please read this and work on your next album, the world is sick of waiting. Anyway, JT hits the fashion note on the dot in this one, mostly because his shoes are just too good.

Movie Review: Going the Distance

Going the Distance has a great premise behind it, but lacks good enough writing to pull it off. Though there is obvious and compelling chemistry between main characters Erin (Drew Barrymore) and Garrett (Justin Long), as well as a talented supporting cast that includes Jason Sudeikis (TV's Saturday Night Live) and Christina Applegate, the film leaves something to be desired. What we do like about this movie is that it is extremely modern and presents a couple who have no doubts about one another - their relationship is strained strictly for geographical reasons. Not to mention, it poses what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life style questions that all of us college students can relate to.

Best on-screen moment: When Box (Sudeikis) explains the reasoning behind his '70s-era mustache.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Feminist Tattoos!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Even skinny girls aren't skinny enough

Actress Carey Mulligan is a tiny lady - as seen in this photo - but apparently not tiny enough for Vogue's high-fashion clothing. According to Mulligan, posing for the cover of Vogue’s October Issue was not as glamorous as it looks.

“All of the clothes that had come in from Paris were sample sizes,” she said. “The cover dress was very pretty but wouldn’t go over my ass. Sample size is very, very tiny. I’m actually wearing a towel around my waist and the bottom is clipped up because I couldn’t fit.”

Great, so now when we see clothing modeled in magazines, we have to account for the fact that (a) the model has probably been Photoshopped from a size 2 down to a negative number, and the model may not actually be wearing the clothes in the first place!

Once you know that the clothing was actually too small for her, it becomes easy to see how ridiculous that dress actually looks on her. Look at the area around her arm pit - it looks stiff and rigid, like the fabric's been pulled too tight across the back.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Women outperform men in school, but still earn less

Canadian women do far better than men when it comes to school, but in the year 2010 we STILL lag way behind men in terms of salary.

Findings from Education Indicators in Canada show that when compared to 30 other countries in the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Canadian women make about 63% of the salary of a similarly educated man. That's only up slightly from 61% in 1998.

Women are earning less than men despite that fact that women achieve better academic results than men at all levels. High school girls graduate at a rate of 8% higher than boys. In college that number jumps to 11%. When it comes to university degrees, women graduate at a staggering rate of 18% higher than men.

How come we’re better educated than men and still making way less money? It may be due to a number of reasons:

(a) Canada is actually quite a ‘traditional’ country when it comes to child rearing. Women are still mainly responsible for childcare and place more importance on family than men, causing them to work fewer hours or part-time. Statistics Canada figures from July show that more than twice as many women as men work part-time jobs in Canada.

(b) Women still face biases in the workplace. A study by Catalyst shows that women with MBA’s from top business schools around the world earn an average of $4,500 less as a starting salary than men with the same credentials. Women are also less likely to move into leadership roles than men.

(c) Perhaps companies are willing to pay men more than they are women. Or perhaps women are willing to work for less. I remember reading in Naomi Wolf’s book The Beauty Myth that too many women don’t believe they’re “worth it” and will settle for lower wages. Maybe men are more likely to ask for a raise, or more driven to be financially successful.

None of this really comes as news to me, because studies have continuously shown that women make far less than similarly educated men. But there’s definitely a part of me that thinks, “Really? Come on! It’s 2010 people!” Although I believe that much of this inequality is caused by patriarchal norms that are embedded in society, along with a long-standing belief that men just deserve more, I do think that women themselves need to be more demanding, more confident and more sure of what they're worth.

Source: Women at work: still behind on the bottom line - The Globe & Mail

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jacob no longer photo retouching

Canadian retailer Jacob just announced they will no longer retouch photos to alter the body shapes of their models. Their new policy begins as they launch their fall campaign for both Jacob and Jacob Lingerie brands.

Jacob is claiming to be the first Canadian company to do this. I can't say for sure if that claim is true, but I've never heard of another Canadian company doing this... although we've reported in the past that some European magazines (in Germany and France) have already taken this step.

"Jacob has always made an effort to promote a healthy image of the female body" says spokesperson and Communications Director Cristelle Basmaji. "By adopting an official policy and broadcasting it publicly, we hope to reverse the trend in digital photo manipulation that has become excessive in our industry. Our decision to never reshape the bodies of our models is particularly innovative for our Jacob Lingerie campaigns. The basis of the new "no retouching" policy is to promote an honest and realistic image of the female body."

Although this is an awesome move by Jacob and a huge step in the right direction, it's important to note that Jacob is not completely ditching Photoshop. They will still use it for things like smoothing out skin tone and removing scars or tattoos. Hortense from Jezebel writes, "While it would be nice to have a company embrace tattoos, uneven skin tone, and scars (you know, "imperfections," aka "shit everyone has in real life but are made to feel insecure about because said things are airbrushed away in mass marketed images of beauty"), but it's hard to fault the company's transparency..."

Jacob will be releasing three versions of some of their Fall campaign photos: the raw image, the photo as seen in their advertising campaign and one that has been retouched as would have been done in the past. It will be interesting to see how the three photos differ - I'll try and post them on the blog when they come out!

For more information:, JACOB

Sunday, September 5, 2010

VIM's H&M Fall Picks


Scarf 9.95

Top 14.95

Gloves 19.95

Boots 39.95


Sweater 12-14.95

Jacket 24-89.95