Wednesday, May 20, 2009

While Economy Slumps, Birth Control Increases

The Los Angeles Times reports that the slumping economy is causing more women to inquire about abortion, adoption and long-term birth control options. And it’s not just the young single girls who want to avoid pregnancy. Married women who already have children are afraid to have another child while the threat of losing jobs is so high.

ACCESS, an Oakland-based women’s health organization, says 72% of women who call want information on abortion, which is up from 60% last year. A Chicago adoption agency has seen a 30% increase in pregnant women asking about adoption. Furthermore, a recent survey conducted for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists found that one in five women is more conscientious about using birth control, and one in ten married women say the economy is a factor in their decision to postpone a planned pregnancy.

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