Thursday, June 17, 2010

Free Feminist Flick on Friday

Free feminist movie on a Friday night... sounds like a plan to me!

What? Born in Flames - a film by feminist film maker Lizzie Borden

When? Friday June 18, 6:30 p.m.

Where? The Good Life Community Bike Shop in Eau Claire Market (2 st and 3 ave SW)

Cost? Free!

More details about the film:

Born in Flames is a film by feminist film maker Lizzie Borden that takes place in a future dystopia where women have to create their own justice to get any justice at all.

The film is a cult classic with some great scenes that can empower women to fight for and find their liberation. There is a very famous scene where a woman is being assaulted by two men on the street when a bike gang of women come to her aide, scaring the men away.

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