Sunday, January 31, 2010

more to come ... my big 23

table setting courtesy of anna and britt. love you guys

Australian Porn Censorship Going Too Far

Conservative Australian politicians are attempting to wage a war on smutty pornography through some very interesting (and anti-woman) censorship laws. These include proposed bans on small breasts and female ejaculation in pornography.

The “small breast ban” is supposedly an effort to fight child pornography. The argument is that women with small breasts may appear to be underage (even if they’re over 18). They propose a ban on female ejaculation because it depicts a form of urination, which is banned under the label of “golden showers” in the federal Classification Guidelines for pornography.

First of all – the small breast ban is ridiculous and insulting. It is an absurd reaction to a perfectly normal female body type. Not all adult women have large breasts! If this is their argument, then they should also ban shaved genitals, which I think looks far more “underage” than small breasts.

As for the ban on female ejaculation in porn – their arguments are once again based on fiction rather than fact. Female ejaculation is NOT urination – it is the female equivalent to male ejaculation. Maybe the REAL reason they want to ban female ejaculation is because (a) it’s a little too icky for them, and/or (b) they lack understanding about female sexuality.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Suburban Teen Sold as Sex Slave

Last week I watched a disturbing documentary on MSNBC about sex trafficking in America. Sixteen year old Shauna was your average suburban teenager when she was kidnapped by a friend’s father and sold on the internet as a sex slave for $300,000. For three days she was drugged, tortured and raped continuously. When her mother received a frantic phone call from Shauna saying “Help me, Mom!” she went to the police immediately. The police told her not to worry and that Shauna “probably just ran away.”

Luckily, Shauna was found and rescued (by community volunteers – not the police) before her captors had the chance to escape with her across the state border. To this day no one has been arrested with the kidnapping, rape and torture of Shauna. Her mother says this is because the police never believed her story.

The video below is a shortened version of the documentary.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Friday, January 29, 2010

mama i love you

this was us last year in mexico...ahhhhh missing it big time! glad i'll be there in 3 weeks!
i love you mom.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

did you know?

things you may have not known about me...
i'm originally from saskatchewan
i have glasses
my birthday is this coming tuesday...groundhog's day!
i'm not really afraid of being alone, now or in the future
sometimes i wonder if i want kids? especially when i see annoying ones...who doesn't?
i rarely finish a full cup of coffee
if i could live off of one food it would be veggie pizza
i can count how many times i've been in love on one hand
i need constant change, whether it's moving or trying new things
i am a lot happier than i was a year ago
i may not always act grateful but i am... i really am
i analyze situations, people, and events more than anyone can simply imagine
i don't like to use the word best-friend, it usually gives me bad luck

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

daddy's little girl


don't worry mama, i'll make a post for you too.
not really sure why my post is including a man, seeing as how men are pissing me off at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!! but dad has never failed to be there for me. guess him and dex are the only nice ones te he.
i feel like a little girl again "i hate boys"

Monday, January 25, 2010


URBAN CURVZ’ annual showcase of local ladies, CURVILICIOUS is one fundraiser not to be missed! Each year Urban Curvz features a variety of Calgary’s most incredible female artists doing… whatever they feel inspired to do! Many take the opportunity to share self-created work, or to highlight a skill they might not be so famous for… and all donate their time. The Pumphouse Theatre joins in the generosity by donating the 300-seat Victor Mitchell Theatre and 100% of the proceeds get to directly support our programming!

Starring Valerie Ann Pearson, Elinor Hold, Patricia Benedict, Kathyrn Kerbes, Tammy Roberts, Jane MacFarlane, Ava Jane Markus, Julie Mortenson, Adrienne Smook, Esther Purves-Smith, and Nicola Elson.

Urban Curvz can always be counted on to put on amazing events and presentations, so this one is sure to be yet another amazing night. The event is set to take place on Monday March 15t, 2010. Please visit the Urban Curvz site for further details.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday's Show - A Menstruation Special!

Join us on Monday evening for our "Menstruation Special" - a discussion about our menstrual cycles, PMS, birth control, ovulation and so much more!

Jennie Thunder interviews Megan Lalonde - a fertility expert and student midwife - who sheds light on our menstrual cycles, which is something that most women know surprisingly little about. For example, did you know that when you're on hormonal birth control (such as the pill, patch or injections), you don't have an actual period? You have a "withdrawal bleed." Learn about this and so much more by tuning in on Monday night from 8:30 to 9:00 pm on CJSW 90.9 fm!

This interview will also be podcasted, so if you miss the live show, be sure to check out our podcast. It should be available by Wednesday January 27 at the latest.

If you are interested in learning more about women's fertility, menstrual cycles and other related things, check out Justisse Healthworks for Women. You can contact Megan or find a Justisse practitioner near you by checking out the Practitioner Directory.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Recommended Reading – A Woman Among Warlords by Malalai Joya

This is a fantastic book for anyone who wants to understand the REAL situation that women in Afghanistan are facing today.

Malalai Joya has been called "the bravest woman in Afghanistan." At a constitutional assembly in Kabul in 2003, she stood up and denounced her country's powerful NATO-backed warlords. She was twenty-five years old. Two years later, she became the youngest person elected to Afghanistan's new Parliament. In 2007, she was suspended from Parliament for her persistent criticism of the warlords and drug barons and their cronies. She has survived four assassination attempts to date, is accompanied at all times by armed guards, and sleeps only in safe houses.

Often compared to democratic leaders such as Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi, this extraordinary young woman was raised in the refugee camps of Iran and Pakistan. Inspired in part by her father's activism, Malalai became a teacher in secret girls' schools, holding classes in a series of basements. She hid her books under her burqa so the Taliban couldn't find them. She also helped establish a free medical clinic and orphanage in her impoverished home province of Farah.

While many have talked about the serious plight of women in Afghanistan, Malalai Joya takes us inside the country and shows us the desperate day-to-day situations these remarkable people face at every turn. A controversial political figure in one of the most dangerous places on earth, Malalai Joya is a hero for our times, a young woman who refused to be silent, a young woman committed to making a difference in the world, no matter the cost.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Here are some pictures from my Christmas party over the holidays...
I love parties and hosting them.
Here are my must's for throwing a great party:
1. a great play list (I usually prefer some jazz mixed with house and of course regular top 40)...the mood can change throughout the night
2. food (hor'dourves are best for a big party; it's all about the preparation and organization of the food on the platter. the better it appears, the better reviews your party will receive)
3. a great centre-piece... at my party you can see a cone-shape tower of white roses, xmas balls, and white carnations (it probably could have been bigger but i didn't buy a big enough foam shape)
4. seating arrangement ... people must be facing each other so the conversation flows and people feel connected. note: make some room for a dance floor... cocktails + music can make for an interesting dance party!
5. cocktails: i prefer to keep a bottle of champagne handy... no need for expensive stuff, the cheap will do! also martinis are great but can get messy if you're constantly shaking and pouring all night so a delicious punch is easy. one easy punch is:
1 bottle of sprite
1/2 carton of orange juice
1 bottle of cranberry juice
1/2 bottle of ginger ale
1 26oz. bottle of vodka (optional)
6. a great outfit!!!!! the host must not only impress her/his guests with the party itself, they must choose an outfit that best represents their personal taste and style
7. flowers and decor: depending on the theme of the party, flowers, candles, vases, etc. are all necessities that create an elegant atmosphere.

now i will finish watching Julie & Julia ... bon appetit!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

here's to you, babe

this is my friend jess, she's in the hospital with a large blood clot. we're thinking about you all the time hun, on my way to see you this morning.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Return of our Feminist Podcasts!

Thanks to our listeners for being patient with us during our podcast hiatus!

To subscribe or check out our latest podcast, visit the CJSW website.

a new beginning?

here are some pictures from saturday night ... more celebration of the birth of my good friend britt.
busy applying to school in vancouver & australia. hoping life will take me somewhere new next year.

Monday, January 18, 2010

its an art-love thing

afternoon tea

a birthday wouldn't be complete for my girl britt if it didn't include high tea. we chose the Old Mill Inn & Spa located in west Toronto @ Old Mill Station. GREAT historic place. the building itself felt like we were walking around a fairy tale novel... complete with vintage staircases and historical paintings. The tea/dining room was cute with old chandeliers and white teapots. Our tea consisted of a selection of teas (I chose the Earl Grey) and some foods including finger sandwiches (smoked salmon with cucumber dill cream cheese), pistachio macaroons, scones with devonshire cream and fruit preserves, and a few other little finger foods to enjoy. My favorite was the scones by far...and you must include the cream with them or they are not simply the same! here are some photos from our fabulous afternoon.
(on the left me, anna - my sister, britt - the birthday girl, lacey - our model friend..tehe)
on a more sad love jessica couldn't make it due to a rare trip to the hospital. we miss you babe and i'll be seeing you tonight; high tea will definitely be happening again once she is out of the hospital! XOXO

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monday's Show - FatPhobia

Join us on Monday night for an interview with two women who are hosting a free FatPhobia Workshop. The workshop uncovers sizism and fatphobia, and teaches participants about the body myths we are taught: That only thin bodies/shapes/looks are normal, natural, beautiful, sexy and healthy, and that everyone can and should change their bodies to match this false ideal.

This show also marks the return of our podcasts! The podcast for this show will up within a few days on the CJSW website.

Tune in on Monday January 18 from 8:30 to 9:00pm on CJSW 90.9 fm, or on

happy birthday my love: Britt!!!!

happy 23rd birthday britt! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! on my way to high tea now to celebrate her birthday. will update with pictures. xo
blazer: alfred sung for zellers...yes zellers
shirt: urban outfitters
leggings: zara
boots: sam edelman
necklace: grandmother's vintage.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fatphobia Workshop - Jan 26 (Free!)

The Women's Centre of Calgary is hosting a free Fatphobia Workshop!
Tuesday January 26
Time: 6:30 to 8:15 pm
Location: Women's Centre of Calgary, 646 1st Avenue NE Calgary
To Register: The workshop is free but you must phone the Women's Centre at 403-264-1155 to register.
Come uncover sizism and fatphobia, and learn more about the body myths we are all taught in a safe, inclusive and peer-oriented space.
Fatphobia and Sizism: The belief that only thin bodies/shape/look are normal, natural, beautiful, sexy and healthy and the propagation of the myth that everyone can and should change their bodies to match this false ideal. An oppression that is often invisible or not talked about.
This is a queer, trans, disability and woman positive workshop. Everyone of all shapes, sizes and women identified people are welcome.
Fat is a descriptive word that should not have so much baggage attached to it. Fat is beautiful, healthy, sexy and natural. Come debunk the myths about fat, and learn how fatphobia is reinforced by the patriarchy.

For a list of all the upcoming FREE workshops hosted at the Women's Centre, see their current newsletter, page 4.

on the job hunt


wrap shirt: montreal store
ruffle shirt: zara
leggings: zara
belt: H&M

tell me what you think

photo courtesy of

her hair is sooo adorable. maybe i have become obsessed with cutting my hair? kinda wanna chop it off to that length. you only live once right?
when i was home for the holidays i saw my neighbor who is living in montreal and she had a short cut similar to this one. ADORABLE. it suited her so well. i haven't had that short of hair in years but who knows? maybe i will get the nerve and chop it.

Monday, January 11, 2010

my perfect date

(photo courtesy of
this reminds me of the episodes of sex & the city where carrie is drinking the wine, sitting around the kitchen island, as Mr. Big prepares dinner. ahhhh doesn't this kitchen resemble his? it does to me.
perfect date = wine, fresh food, jazz music (maybe some mr buble) and a cute boy :)

dexter has beat me to bed... time to call it a night. xo

is home really where the heart is? who knows. i can't seem to make up my own mind.
5 goals for january:
1. find a job!!!
2. stop eating junk.
3. drink more water.
4. do homework every week.
5. finish applying to school in vancouver.

2 movie reviews:
it's complicated
- starring alec baldwin & merryl streep
- reminds me of my parents except they are still together after 26 years :)

love happens
- great beginning, boring middle, alright end
- have to admit - mr eckhart is so extremely sexy & jen aniston's wardrobe is so adorable. (oversized touques included)

anddddd one more
everyone go see the blindside with sandra bullock. she does better as a brunette but such a touching TRUE story. my ultimate favorite types of movies.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Podcasts will be back soon! We promise!

Many apologizes to our listeners who have been asking, "Where are your podcasts?" They will be returning very soon - within the next few weeks!

As mentioned before on the blog, we had to temporarily cancel the podcasts due to CJSW's move to a new studio. During the move, the computers in the production room were out of commission. The production room is now set up and we are ready to start podcasting again soon.

We apologize again for the lack of podcasts, and thanks to all our listeners for subscribing to the podcasts and supporting Yeah, What She Said!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Goodbye, Marsha.

It is with a very heavy heart that I post this message today. One of Calgary's most beloved, inspiring and dedicated feminists has passed away. Marsha Ellen Meidow died on January 6th at 11:00pm of a serious brain aneurysm.

Marsha worked tirelessly to help young women in Calgary who were living on the streets, involved in prostitution, addicted to drugs, survivors of abuse, and so much more. These are the girls that no one else seemed to care about. Marsha also directed and produced the Vagina Monologues for many years in Calgary - and organized countless other events - all to raise money for young women at risk. In 2007 she received Calgary's Humanitarian of the Year Award.

Marsha was a survivor of abuse and overcame many obstacles in her life including drug addiction and life on the streets. She turned her own life around and was dedicted to helping other women do the same. She was an inspiration to all who knew her, and many described her as an angel on earth.

Calgary has indeed lost an angel. Our feminist community will never be the same without her. Our thoughts and hearts go out to Marsha's family and her husband, Tank.

We will never forget you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Feminist Art as part of Calgary's First Thursdays

Calgary's monthly culture-crawl, First Thursdays, is tomorrow night and one of the features is this exhibit of superb feminist art and it's super affordable! Check out the details c/o :

If Women Ruled the World

Venue / Location:
The Art Gallery of Calgary (117-8th Ave SW)
Repeats every day every Tuesday and every Wednesday and every Thursday and every Friday and every Saturday until Sat Jan 23 2010 .25 Sep 2009 (All day)

Ticket Price: $2.50-$5
LiveRush Price:$2
Event Description:
If Women Ruled the World: Judy Chicago in ThreadA Co-production between the Textile Museum of Canada (Toronto) and The Art Gallery of CalgaryArtists: Judy ChicagoMedium: Mixed MediaGallery: Main, Tall, Top North and South

Living legend of feminist art, Judy Chicago’s place on the landscape of contemporary textile practice is a significant one. Best known for her groundbreaking sculptural installation, The Dinner Party (1974-76), Chicago has spent decades exploring the possibilities of “thread as brushstroke”. The exhibition surveys some of Chicago’s most important contributions in cloth, highlighting both key and lesser-known works dating from 1971 to present. From macramé to needle point to airbrushed quilts, Chicago employs “technique as content” in her major projects selected for this survey exhibition including, The Birth Project (1980-1985), The Holocaust Project (1993), and Resolutions: A Stitch in Time (1994 to present). This exhibition centralizes the labour intensive nature of Chicago’s textile work as a metaphor for investing in the ideas, values, histories and provocation in her artwork. This unmistakable work of the hand draws attention to the possibilities of making as an explicitly political act. To this end, five artists who take this notion to heart are profiles alongside Chicago, underscoring her ongoing and unmistakable influence and creating an intergenerational dialogue with Chicago’s most recent work If Women Ruled the World (2008).

Allyson Mitchell is an artist and academic concerned with the intersections of feminist art, education, activism and theory. Working predominantly in textile-based sculpture, installation and film, Mitchell has exhibited her work in galleries and festivals across Canada, the US, Europe and East Asia. Her show, Lady Sasquatch, will be touring across Canada in 2009-2010. Allyson Mitchell has performed extensively with “Pretty Porky and Pissed Off”, a fat performance troupe, as well as publishing both writing and music. She recently completed her PhD in Women’s Studies at York University, where she teaches feminist cultural theory. When Women Rule the World: Judy Chicago and Cloth is her first major curatorial project.

She Will Always Be Younger Than UsArtists: Orly Cogan, Gillian Strong, Wednesday Lupypciw, Cat Mazza and Ginger Brooks Takahashi
She Will Always Be Younger Than Us brings together a selection of artists whose work counts among its influences the practice of Judy Chicago. Orly Cogan, Wednesday Lupypciw, Cat Mazza, Gillian Strong and Ginger Brooks Takahashi are young artists whose work is explicitly engaged with feminist politics through the use of textile, thread and fibre. Their work ranges from video to embroidery, performance and sculpture with the political intention to ignite politics and question culture.

what is love? baby don't hurt me, baby don't hurt me no more.

ahhhh time to rip open the dusty psychology books and start & finish my paper on chronic pain today. yipee.

casa loma was fun but definitely overrated. nothing too crazy went down. and the lines....oh the lines. it was a sardine-packaging game just to get inside the castle after a good half an hour wait. ick. oh well new years is always overrated, next year i better be at a: 1) house party, 2) beach, or 3) cottage (cabin for those westerners). we didn't even get a glass of champagne but it's a good thing we chugged a bottle before we got there. so classy.

anyone in toronto-area know of a sweet job for me? i'm jobless and broke and on the look out for a good job! (aren't we all?) well until next time............ciao

Monday, January 4, 2010

Get Involved with Take Back the Night 2010

It's a brand new year, and if one of your resolutions is to get more involved in Calgary's feminist community, then this is your opportunity!
Take Back the Night is an annual event where women (and men) take to the streets and protest violence against women. Last year Calgary's event was organized by a grassroots group of local feminists. If you are interested in being a part of the 2010 planning committee, please visit Calgary's official Take Back The Night website.