Sunday, June 28, 2009

Monday's Show - Sexist Politicians, Burqas, Genderless Kids... and more!

Tune in to Yeah, What She Said on Monday June 29 from 8:30 to 9:00 pm (MST) to hear our feminist news and events show. We'll be discussing a variety of recent news stories relating to feminism, plus we'll inform you about some upcoming feminist-themed plays at Calgary's Fringe Festival.

The show will have a particular focus on two recent stories involving sexist comments from Alberta politicians:
- Alberta Finance Minister, Iris Evans, tells us one parent should stay home in order to raise kids right
- Conservative MLA, Doug Elniski, has some sexist advice for young girls: smile, don't give men shit, and "don't give me that treated equal stuff"

Other news stories we'll be covering:
- President Sarkozy Says Burqa Not Welcome in France
- Swedish couple raises child outside of gender norms
- Dubai is Hot, but Paris is Not! Paris Hilton in Dubai

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