Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thoughts and Theories on PMS

While searching the internets for resources on menstruation, I got to thinking about some of the stigmas attached to the notorious beast we call Premenstrual Syndrome. There is such an unfair amount of negativity attached to the time of month when a woman's body prepares to discard of yet another unfertilized egg. It seems -at first glance- to be such a simple process but as I intently watched numerous You Tube versions of high school sex-ed videos, I suddenly began to appreciate how magical the whole thing is. I'm certainly not the first feminist to report this sort of realization, however, this particular height of awareness is new to me even though I've seen the videos hundreds of times before and have read the text books and the pamphlets just as much.

It occurred to me just how uncool it is that we take this science for granted, going so far as to mock and even shun it (...remember the PMS Buddy?). So many of us have at some point or another been struck with a totally justified fit of sadness or irritability, only to have our peers tell us that it must be that time of the month; as though strong emotions are abnormal and should only appear when an individual is on the brink of psychosis which -as we have all been led to believe- is the first cousin, possibly even the long lost twin sister of premenstrual syndrome.

As I watched more and more adorably animated menstruation videos, I started to assess what this scientific ritual indicates: how closely the hormones that control our levels of estrogen, serotonin and other fascinating chemicals work with the female reproductive system. I was intrigued by how this relationship seems, in my mind, to have so much to do with the emotional sensitivity best displayed by mothers to their children. I thought about how much of a requirement it is that a woman should have intense emotions (she should be empathetic, she should have an animalistic quality about her when she feels the need to protect the things that matter to her) and I thought about how these emotions are intensified during this time when the body prepares to end the last phase of its cycle and start afresh. Maybe I'm a closet hippie and that's okay, because I think its vital for women to share these kinds of thoughts and discoveries. Instead of feeling gross and ostracized by this thing we've been given very little control over, why don't we embrace it and marvel at the sheer biological intelligence of it?

I think the fact that women have been somewhat naturally engineered to produce high levels of these chemicals should be admired. It's science's way of telling us that we've been biologically entrusted with this responsibility of nurturing and protecting ourselves and our families. Of course, this does not go to say that men cannot have any of these qualities as well. As a matter of fact, I think the men that possess more of these qualities than others are nature's special ones; the true fathers among men.

I'm not saying PMS and menstruation are tons of fun, (I'm not that fond of the days I've spent crying over untied shoe-laces), but instead of being taught to feel ashamed and instead of writing the whole thing off as a simple annoyance, we might consider using premenstrual time to be extra sweet to our bodies. Whether we plan on having children or not, we've been handed a big task and it can be worth feeling connecting to!

Urban Curvz Present Two Feminist Plays!

It's not very often that feminist topics are explored in Calgary's theater scene. Aside from the yearly Vagina Monologues show, you've gotta dig pretty deep to find feminist plays in this conservative cow-town.

That's why I'm pretty excited about Urban Curvz new double-bill - two plays that tackle the changing politics of gender.

"The Russian Play" is about a young woman’s relationship to love in 1920's revolutionary Russia. "Essay" is about the politics of women in history, as seen by a young student caught between two men in her decision to write about a little-known female historical figure.

The plays run April 29 to May 9 at the Pumphouse Theatre. Click here for more info.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Women and Guilt - What Makes You Feel Guilty?

Next week we're doing our show on the issue of women and guilt. Bee, myself and another feminist friend were out for drinks one night and began discussing how us women feel guilty about EVERYTHING.

We feel guilty when we eat junk food. We feel guilty when we don't exercise. We feel guilty about our sexuality, masturbation and pleasure. We feel guilty about taking time for ourselves, or spending money on ourselves. We feel guilty if we don't give our kids or partners enough time and attention. Our lives are consumed with guilt.

So, if you folks have anything to add to this discussion, please write it in the comments section! We are looking for ideas and comments that we can incorporate into our show.
Be sure to tune in on Monday at 8:30pm on CJSW 90.9 fm or at to hear this show, which I think is going to be really interesting.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some Of Us Give 'Em Names, Others Call Them Trash Bins...


I read a clip from which encouraged women to give names to their vaginas and then share these names. Of course, being an open thread, there were several responses from women and men, alike.

One of them was from what appears to be a fellow calling himself "poosta7". The article asks,

"What would you name yours?" He responds saying,

"...The Seminal Receptical -- the origin of that which will destroy the human race by overpopulation."

I had to stop myself for a minute and think about the possibility that this individual could be a female posing as a male and whether or not my reaction would differ if this was the case? I also tried dissecting the comment, word for word, to make sure I understood it: By referring to this receptacle as the origin and not the actual force that will destroy the human race, is he trying to say that it's babies that will wipe us out? The point of conception, itself? No, couldn't be! What a stupid thing that would be to say! And who could be that stupid??

I decided that since the point wasn't clear, the verdict was as I had initially felt in my gut; that this was someone who really felt he needed to fill the space with trashy, demeaning and incoherent nonsense. The statement seemed to lean toward the idea that since the vaginal canal is where semen tends to end up, and the female body where offspring are subsequently mass-produced, it is the vagina which is at fault for the destruction of mankind. I typed out a witty and ruthless verbal lashing in response to the comment but eventually stopped myself, opting for a more diplomatic - but still disapproving - approach.

If he is a dude, it's pretty lame that he's placing this responsibility solely on the female body (lest we forget that the vaginal canal is designed to be a hostile, sperm-annihilating war zone). I mean, can we all grow the hell up and acknowledge that it, uhh... takes two? With that said, hopefully the two are consenting, loving and responsible folks who are actually looking to procreate.

If this individual is indeed female, I still think it's an unjust and immature way to look at population control. It's frightening to think of any woman referring to her own body this way, and it saddens me to see such an old fight keep comin' back for the beat-down.

-Insert deep, pissed off feminist sigh.

You can view the thread here and tell us what names you've given to your lovelies.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tonight's Show - Women & Children Affected by War

On tonight's show Jennie and Geea will discuss how women and children are affected by war. We will be sharing a few examples from recent wars in Africa and the Middle East.

We will also be doing a brief interview with a representative from Engineers Without Borders. They are hosting their Annual Development Conference in Calgary on May 1 and 2, and their keynote speaker for Friday May 1st is a very inspirational woman. Dr. Samantha Nutt is the founder of War Child Canada, and she has dedicated her work to peace, human rights and social justice. Her ambition has always been to help war-affected women and children, and you can see her speak at the conference for just $25.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fuck Dieting. Seriously.

Some fantastic leaflets were handed out at the Calgary Anarchist Book Fair this weekend. One of them was an excerpt from (one of the greatest publications EVER! R.I.P.) Sassy Magazine, circa 1994. The excerpt is from an article entitled, "Thirteen Reasons Not To Diet". It reads,

Starving yourself is complete and total lunacy. Stop it this instant.

I felt it would be nice to post a few of my favorite reasons not to diet from the article. Affirmation that dieting is usually pointless and somewhat degrading is always a great way to empower ones' self against the industry-perpetuated illusion that every one of us should have flawless bodies which, if it were possible, would be terribly unexciting.

Here are my favorites:

Dieting slows down your metabolism. Your body has a weight it inherently wants to be, and your metabolism - the speed and efficiency with which it burns calories for fuel - constantly adjusts to keep you weighing just that much. Eat more, your metabolism speeds up and burns extra calories to compensate; eat less, it slows down. When you buck biology to try to get below your natural weight, your system fights to keep every pound. Your metabolism becomes so sluggish that it's hell to lose an ounce. Basically, your body is reacting to being starved. It wants you to live, dammit! It is on your side!

It makes you boring. As anyone who has had a conversation with a fan club president knows, when you talk endlessly about the object of your obsession, it is tiresome to the listener. Calories, fatgrams and grapefruit are not innately interesting subjects. Get away from me.

You'll gain it back. Ninety percent of all dieters who lose 25 pounds or more on a diet revert to their old weight in two years. Which again indicates that the fault is with dieting, not you.

You're always hungry. It's a myth that fat people eat more than thin people. Nineteen out of 20 studies indicate that obese folks eat the same number of calories as their thin counterparts. To lose weight, you'd have to eat tons less than thin people. To keep it off, you'd have to do this forever. And then you'd be cranky. Having a constant gnawing in your gut and hallucinations about pork rinds is not a merry thing.

You feed the evil diet industry.
Which is practically unregulated. Diet programs have no legal obligation to provide evidence that they work - convenient, since they usually don't. These companies rely on return customers who believe regaining the weight is their own damn fault. But why, I ask you, do we blame ourselves, never the diet? When you buy sneakers from a catalog and they're shoddy and have glue globs on the rubber, you don't berate yourself. You get pissed off at the company! Besides, not only are diet foods ineffective (how will tasty shakes for breakfast and lunch teach you to eat normally?), but most ooze sodium and are chemically processed to within an inch of their lives.

I found the article pretty entertaining, but in reading it, I also felt strong and reminded of how important it is to stay educated about what goes into my body. Since we women - and often men, too - are so preyed upon by the diet industry at large, it's good to come across little reminders like this one that we are fully capable of fighting the norm and loving ourselves, no matter how much we eat.

Why feed the industry instead of feeding yourself? How does it deserve any more attention than your body deserves from you? It's not easy for many of us to convince ourselves that we do deserve to be fed but, truthfully, it's a matter of common sense. Many nutritional experts will tell you that a healthy body equates with a healthy mind, so if you want to exercise your mind and be able to put it to good use, you're going to have to give it some fuel.

Thanks to the folks at (the now defunct) Sassy magazine for the article and to the Food Not Bombs Calgary cats for having this leaflet on hand at the book fair.

I hope several of you were able to make it to at least one of the book fair events this weekend. If not, be sure to keep your ears and eyes open for next year.

Ellen Degeneres' Cover Girl Commercial

Have y'all seen Ellen selling her soul to corporate America in this Cover Girl commercial? What do you think about it?

The first line of the commercial is "Inner beauty is important, but not nearly as important as outer beauty." I know that Ellen is probably just being funny and sarcastic, but it still bothers me. The whole thing bothers me, actually. I've always had a lot of respect for Ellen (and still do) but I'm a little disappointed she's become a spokesperson for the whole anti-aging cosmetic industry. I thought she was a little more... cool... than that.

Trash TV With A Feminist Twist?

I love trash TV, and I especially love reality shows that give my critical mind something to mull over while I watch. Last night I saw an advertisement for a new TV show that will be airing on W Network, which I believe is channel 23 for most Calgarians. The show is called Miss Naked Beauty and it premiers on Tuesday April 7th.

On Miss Naked Beauty, beauty is only half the package - you need to be strong and brave enough to challenge beauty preconceptions, bin the make-up, say NO to the knife and the needle. Fashion consultant Gok Wan is the show host, and he will reveal the ugly face of the beauty industry and prove that natural really is best. From fake science to beauty addiction, and the perils of cosmetic surgery, he'll dispel the myths and reveal the risks we undertake in our pursuit of the latest look.

Sounds like an interesting show - if anyone manages to check it out, let us know what you think!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wild Girl, Virgin, or Something Inbetween?

Jessica Valenti, founder of the kick-ass feminist blog,, was recently featured on the Today Show. Check out the video - the women are chatting about young women's sexuality and the abstinence movement. I think some of the points that Jessica makes are really important - especially her point that when it comes to women and sexuality, there seems to be only two options: you're either the promiscuous girl gone wild, or the chaste virgin. In reality, most women fall somewhere inbetween the extremes of wild girl and virgin, yet those are the only two options for female sexuality that we are presented.

Feminist Events at Calgary's Anarchist Book Fair

Calgary's Anarchist book fair runs this Friday and Saturday and there are some amazing workshops that may be of interest to all you feminists out there. (Events are FREE and there is also FREE vegan food!)

Zine Making 101 - Saturday April 25, 11:00 - 1:00
Zines are a means to communicate ideas and opinions not represented in the mainstream - that's why feminists love 'em!

Baby, I'm a Manarchist - Saturday April 25, 12:00 - 1:30
This is a workshop by men and for men that will explore issues of masculinity in our culture including gender violence, abuse, etc. Sounds very cool!

DIY Sex Toys - Saturday April 25, 1:30 - 3:30
This workshop includes an empowering discussing about the body's pleasure zones and then you get to make your own sex toys - how cool is that?

Radical Cheerleading - Saturday April 25, 3:30 - 5:00
Radical cheerleading is a feminist form of guerrilla street theatre used in protests and demonstrations around the world.

Fuck Monogamy! - Saturday April 25, 5:00 - 6:30
Not everyone wants to pair up with just one other person for the rest of their life. There are different options for expressing our love.

Check out the workshops page for specific details on each workshop, and click here for the event's location.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Penis Art is Offensive

Artist Kristin Ivey's latest exhibit is sadly being censored by Calgary's Eau Claire Market. The exhibit, entitled "The Phallus Series", is currently showing at The New Gallery at Eau Claire Market and consists of colorful re-purposed prom dresses shaped into penises. Just before the shows opening, Eau Claire Market decided that a curtain should be installed to block view of the sculptures from the public following a string of complaints. According to an article in FFWD magazine, it seems as though the primary concern is that these sculptures will continue be offend passers-by.

The sculptures are not depicting anything unnatural about the human body (...okay, maybe the pretty pastel colors of these 3-footers are a bit unusual, but that's art, right?). Even if they are slightly over-the-top, I don't quite appreciate the underlying motives for blocking the whole thing up.

Considering that galleries have the specific purpose of displaying art (which often deals with controversial themes), the folks at Eau Claire should have thought about the potential controversy that art shows tend to generate before deciding to house a gallery in their space. It's pretty obvious that there are much more disturbing images Calgarians are forced to view whether they want to or not (see: post about Campus Pro Life's Genocide Awareness Project display).

Of course, I wonder: had the artist been male and the sculptures, barely identifiable lace and silk replications of vulvae, would the higher-ups at Eau Claire be stressing censorship of the "male" sexual experience as swiftly and as strictly as they have done in this case? Let's just wait and see what happens when the opportunity arises, since we know it will...

In protest of this blockage, I suggest you support the show and go check it out. It's on now and will run until May 9th, 2009.

See the gallery's website for further details on the exhibit.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chemicals in Cosmetics - Scary Shit

Happy Earth Day! In light of this special day, I'd like to share some info about the chemicals and toxins that are found in every-day beauty products. From lotions to makeup to hair dye, beauty products are loaded with dangerous shit. An example: Coal tar is a component of some shampoos that treat dandruff, and coal tar dyes are used in some hair colouring products (and they're usually masked with fancy names such as Pigment Orange 5).

Major gaps in public health laws allow cosmetics companies to use almost any ingredient they choose — even lead, mercury, and placenta. Ingredients in any kind of product — from sunscreen and mascara to deodorant and baby shampoo — are sold to consumers with no restrictions and no requirement for safety testing. This means it's up to the consumers to educate themselves!

So, how do you begin educating yourself?
Well, start by checking out the Cosmetic Safety Database. You can enter the name of any product you use, and check it's toxin level. I was surprised to learn that a lot of products that I use from the Body Shop (which I thought would be pretty safe) had some rather high levels of toxins.

Also, check out this what not to buy list, which includes products made by Avon, Almay, Revlon and Sally Hansen, to name a few.

Do your research and know what you're putting on your skin. After all, you only get one body so take care of it well.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Going to Toronto? Check Out This Feminist Shop!

Good For Her is a feminist sex shop located in Toronto. I just discovered their website, and the shop looks like a really neat place. Definitely worth a visit if you'll be in the Toronto area.

Some cool things about Good For Her:
  • They have women and trans only shopping hours on Thursdays and Sundays. What an awesome idea - it allows for a more comfortable shopping environment for those who may be a little nervous or shy.
  • They have an advice column with information on toys, body issues, health, orgasms and more.
  • They carry environmentally responsible products and ensure that all products are safe for you.
  • They have a very informative sex toy guide.
  • They host the Feminist Porn Awards every year: "As feminists and sex-positive people, we want to showcase and honour those who are doing it right, like filmmakers who understand that people of colour are sexual beings - not sexual objects. Like performers who want to see body diversity, so they shake their ample butts in front of the camera. Like everyone who ever said "why aren't my fantasies and realities ever reflected in porn?" so they picked up a camcorder and recorded their friends getting it on."

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tonight's Show - Geea Joins YWSS

After a long wait, our new pal and co-host, Geea A., is joining the program! We'll be breakin' the ice and warmin' up the microphones with a little chit-chat about our feminist roots.

Join us tonight at 8:30pm MST to hear it live on CJSW 90.9 FM. As always, you can also stream the show from

As well, be sure to check out our brand new Facebook Fan Page where we'll be keeping you posted on upcoming plans for the show.

Listen to this episode.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good to Know

Did you know that Canadian women can get the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) without a prescription? If you've had unprotected sex, you can take the ECP within 3 days to avoid pregnancy. The ECP works best within 72 hours after sex - the earlier you can take it, the better.

You can get an ECP at any pharmacy and you will receive two high-dose hormonal pills which prevent ovulation or implantation of a fertilized egg. All pharmacists should give you this pill, regardless of their own personal beliefs; if the pharmacist you speak to gives you any hassle, you can report it to the College of Pharmacists.

The ECP is also a really good idea to consider for traveling. If you're going to a foreign country, it could be wise to try and get ECPs before you go - you never know when you might need them.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Earth Friendly, Low-Cost Housing For Women in The Bronx

Nancy Biberman, founder of the Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation (WHEDCo), has done something that sets an example for low-income housing developers in urban areas.

Nancy has taken an old, rotting piece of property in The Bronx and converted it into eco-friendly housing for the poor. The site is called Intervale Green and, from the sounds of it, is a place that even those of us who don’t exactly fall under the low-income category would be happy to live.

It is the largest affordable apartment complex in the United States to receive a federal Energy Star certification. The appliances are all highly energy efficient and materials used for the interior include birch-esque vinyl flooring and Italian tiles donated by a flooring company. Light fixtures in and on the building are fluorescent. All of these features result in a 30 per cent decrease in utility costs in comparison to that of a conventional building.

Biberman has spent much of her career working on projects similar to Intervale Green; She has revamped over 23 abandoned buildings in The Bronx and is a dedicated advocate of improved housing for women (who make up the majority of low-income citizens) using eco-friendly solutions to make differences in poverty stricken communities.

I ‘m a firm believer that even the aesthetics of ones surroundings play a great role in the positivity of an individual’s outlook on life. Having the opportunity to live in an environment that isn’t laden with pests and decay has got to have an exceptional effect on the inhabitant.

I have great hopes for the lucky folks who will have the chance to dwell in a space like Intervale Green. Living in a building that has been constructed by organizations that have considered the residents’ place in society is likely to give any one a good boost in confidence as well as a sort of heightened self-esteem. As we’ve discussed in the past, self esteem might not be all there is… it’s just that there’s nothing without it.

Read the full article from or watch the CNN feature below. You can find out about how to make a donation by visiting this link.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

rules of rolling




the first time i saw rice paper rolls i was so creeped out...almost reminded me of a transparent worm infuzed with human edibles.
despite its weird appearance i gave into the curious temptation... 3 years later im still loving them.
they are also great filled with shrimp, hard boiled egg, pork, chicken, carrots...etc. DELISH

Afghan Women Say West Should Butt Out

While many folks in the West have been outraged by Afghanistan’s proposed law to make rape within marriage legal for Shia Muslims, it seems that Afghan women want the West to stay out of the debate.

Young women attending Kabul University – probably the most progressive institution in Afghanistan – were surprised and bewildered about the ‘Afghan rape law’ debate that’s been raging in Europe and North America. The Calgary Herald reports that the “nearly unanimous view on the campus was that the West should not involve itself in the country’s cultural and religious affairs.” Hamida Hasani, an 18 year old student said the problem of women’s rights in Afghanistan belongs only to the Afghan women, and that Western women who have not experienced war or hunger can’t understand what the most important things to fight for are.

The article also mentions that most people in Afghanistan are not aware of the pending new law because “public awareness of any legislation before parliament is very low.”

Issues like this are tough; as a feminist I care about women’s rights and well-being and I want all women to live with equality and freedom – regardless of their culture. However, I also want to be respectful of other cultures and not impose Western ideas of what’s “right” onto other people. What do you think - should the West back off or continue to express their outrage on this issue?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

im gonna miss you




A Thought Provoking Film about Misogyny and Pop Culture

A special thank-you to the almighty power(s) that inspired Dr. Thomas Keith to make this intriguing film. Dr. Keith, a California-based professor of philosophy, is the writer, director and producer behind "Generation M: Misogyny in Media & Culture". The film explores the roots of misogynistic attitudes in popular culture, ultimately unearthing the imposed expectations that societies have placed -and continue to place- on women. The film allows us to view these revelations from the unique perspective many of us rarely have the opportunity to experience : that of the informed and culturally aware male.

Keith breaks it down nice n' simple, looking first at the core of what misogyny is: hatred of women. He talks with writers, scholars, medical professionals and others about the many disturbing, synthetic and twisted ideals that misogyny breeds. Violence as power, sexual exploitation, and gender-based oppression caused by misogynistic behavior are just a few of the topics examined closely in Generation M.
One of the speakers in the film described the illusion of liberation through hyper-sexuality in women. Of the strange desire within women to nurture this illusion by obeying what mass media instructs, she says,

"It's a whole new opportunity for (us) to participate in (our) own exploitation".

I can't agree more, as sad and as devastatingly truthful as it may be.

I love that this film has the ability to speak comfortably to men about the social and psychological dangers of misogyny. The film isn't completely revolutionary as an examination of feminist values; much of the subject matter could be considered common knowledge. The approach, however, is gentle enough that almost anyone can relate to it whether the issues are new or not. So it is revolutionary in its ability to address both men and women... straight and queer... from the often undervalued male standpoint. Props to Dr. Thomas Keith for standing in the face of what so many others prefer to turn their backs to.

For information on how to obtain a hard copy of this film (and plenty of others) for public screening or personal use, visit Media Education Foundation's website; it features a plethora of engaging documentary films like this one.

The link to the Generation M page (which includes the trailer as well as a preview version of the film) can be accessed from above.

"Manliest" Cities in America? Barf.

Yes, there is such a thing as the “Top 50 Manliest Cities” in the U.S. - the study (which I can't believe someone spent money on) found that Nashville, Tennessee is the "mecca of manliness." Why, you may ask? Well, apparently Nashville has great sports teams, monster truck rallies, lots of hardware stores and an abundance of salty snacks.

Yes indeed folks, those are the criteria by which the manliest cities were judged. Cities also lost points if they had more "feminine attributes" such as high mini-van sales, lots of home furnishing stores and high subscription rates to beauty/fashion magazines.

What do these pathetic "categories of manliness" say about the state of American masculinity if men can be reduced to such tired stereotypes? If I were a man I'd be insulted by this study that claims that manliness is all about sports, power tools and fatty food.

Women's Rights Activist Killed in Afghanistan

Sitara Achikzai, a women's rights activist in Afghanistan, has been killed by the Taliban. Sitara was born in Afghanistan but had lived in exile in Germany for many years. She had returned to Afghanistan with her husband to fight for women's rights in her country.

Taliban militiamen on motorcycles shot Sitara dead outside her home in Kandahar as she returned from work on Monday. The Taliban have carried out similar assasinations on other prominent Afghan women over the past years, including murdering the countries highest-profile female police officer, and they are believed to have been behind the 2006 assassination of the head of the provincial women's affairs department.

Much love and respect goes out to this strong woman.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Monday's Show - Anarcha-Feminism

Join us on Monday April 13th for an interview with two anarcha-feminists. It should be a really interesting show and a great opportunity to learn more about the feminist branch of anarchism.

There is also an anarchist book fair in Calgary from April 25 to 27 at the Old "Y" Centre - 223 12th Avenue SW Calgary. Check out the website for more info.

Listen to the show: If you'd like to listen to this show, download the mp3 file here. The recording will be available until April 27.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Vagina Dress

Feminist blog Jezebel has a great post about this hilarious "vagina dress." Apparently the blog-o-sphere has been buzzing about this unfortunately-designed gown that was intended to look like a heart, but looks a lot more like a giant vulva.

As Jezebel says, " Whether you think you're wearing your heart or your vagina on your dress, ladies, wear it proudly."

Friday, April 10, 2009

photo fun






ayla stop playing with yourself!



Monkeys Shed Light on Gold Diggers, Prostitution

National Geographic News reports that male chimps who share meat with female chimps double their chances of having sex with those females.

"The findings support a long-held hypothesis that food sharing improves male chimpanzees' chances of mating. Males observed in the West African nation of Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) shared monkey meat with females that exhibited the pink swellings on their rear ends that indicate ovulation and sexual availability. More surprising was that males shared meat with females that didn't have sexual swellings, perhaps in hopes of future success, the researchers say."

So, what does this tell us about our own evolutionary origins?

National Geographic says that studies of human hunter-gatherer societies have long shown that skillful hunters have more offspring and wives. So does this mean that we should stop giving "gold digging" women such a hard time? Is it just hardwired into our genetics to swoon after someone who is successful?

This story also reminds me of prostitution - the male monkey offers the female something of value for sex. Maybe prostitution has been called "the oldest job in the world" because monkeys were doing it long before we were...?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Crap Economy Forces Feminist Clinic to Close

Ms Magazine reports that the Women's Choice Clinic of Oakland, known as the United States' oldest feminist health clinic, will be closing as a result of the declining economy. Linci Comy, the clinic's executive director, explained that "To balance the state budget, California has frozen [Medi-Cal] payments for services already provided, and for us, that is a fatal decision. With that and issues of the economy, it all came down on us in March. Our landlord let us know we have to be out in a couple of weeks. We're looking at bankruptcy."

The clinic opened in 1972 and has seen more than 64,000 patients since then. In recent years, 90% of the clinic's patients received state aid or did not have health insurance.

It is a sad day indeed.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dad Sells Daughter for Meat, Beer & Cash

A California man is accused of selling his 14-year-old daughter into a marriage with an 18-year-old man for 100 crates of beer, several cases of meat and $16,000. The father has pleaded no contest to felony child endangerment.

Marcelino de Jesus Martinez had pleaded not guilty in February to procuring a child for lewd acts, aiding and abetting statutory rape and child endangerment. If convicted of those charges he faced 10 years in prison.

Read the full story here.

Monday, April 6, 2009


topshoplove by fala88 on

i HEART topshop. i've only had the chance to experience the amazingness of it 2 summers ago in europe but hopefully it will make it way to toronto or i will at least make it to the new NY store!! ughhh
this piece is inspired by this boyfriend blazer that is similar to one i purchased from zara and i love the look of it paired with denim shorts and chunky sex kitten heels.
all articles are from topshop.
dont the shoes remind you of the YSL ones? mmmm hot i almost like these ones better!

Campus Pro-Life to Support a Student Single Mom

Unless you've been living in a cave (or you live outside of Calgary) you've probably heard about the dispute between the University of Calgary and the student club Campus Pro-Life (CPL). If you haven't heard, check out this article for an overview.

Well, as I was walking through the University today I was stopped by a member of Campus Pro-Life and asked if I would like to donate to a bursary to support single mothers. Because I am always suspicious of CPL I asked the guy to explain this to me further. He said that the club is trying to raise at least $250 to give to a student single mother. He also mentioned that although people differ in their opinions about abortion, one thing we can all agree on is that single mom's could use some help.

So, I decided to donate to the cause, and I hope Campus Pro-Life are successful in their plan for this bursary. Although many things that CPL does really upsets me - their Genocide Awareness display is offensive and the club distributes inaccurate information about abortion - I am pleased to see CPL doing something constructive with their time and effort.

As the guy from CPL said, we're never going to agree on the issue of abortion - I won't change my mind and they won't change theirs - but maybe, just maybe, we can start focusing on the things we do agree on. And support for single mom's is definitely a cause I can get on board with.

Afghan "Rape Law" to be Halted, Revised

The proposed new Afghan law that would make rape within marriage legal for Shia Muslims is apparently now being halted and revised.

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said, "A decision was made to halt this legislation, and at the same time send this package back to the minister of Justice so that the minister of Justice can put together a package that will abide, of course, by the constitution of Afghanistan and at the same time respect the rights of individuals — of course, the rights of women."

Read the full article here.

Update on Breastfeeding at City Pools

The protest over public breastfeeding in Calgary pools was canceled after a group of Calgary mothers met with City staff on the weekend.
Apparently there was some miscommunication amongst city employees regarding the City policy on breastfeeding in pools. Fourtanately, Heather Bruce, the City Aquatics and Recreation Manager, cleared up the confusion by stating that there has never been a policy against mothers breastfeeding the the water. All City pools will now post "breastfeeding friendly" signs.

What's really sad about this whole story is that the woman who seems to have spear-headed the protest - Gemma Kelsall - has received hate mail and harassment because of this. The CBC reports that Gemma said:
"I have received over a 100 pieces of hate mail in the last two days via my Facebook [group]. People searching me out — strangers. I've been looking at the CBC website and there's over 800 comments this morning, most of them saying we're wrong, we're child abusers, we're disgusting... but I have also got a lot of support and love. I don't want to turn this into a bad news story, 'cause it's really a good news story."
I think it's really sad that some people think the act of breastfeeding in public is "disgusting" and dare to call these women "child abusers." Breastfeeding is the most natural and nurturning thing, and once again (I cannot say this enough), I applaud Gemma and the other women involved for standing up for this important issue.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Calgary Mom's Plan Breastfeeding Protest

The CBC reports that a group of mothers plan to breastfeed their babies in the Killarney pool on Sunday morning to protest what they say is harassment from lifeguards.

A number of women are saying that when they have breastfed their babies in the water or on the pool deck, lifeguards have told them they can't breastfeed there and they must go into the change room.

Calgary aquatics manager Jim McDonald says "The intention of the staff is to provide information to the mothers just to prevent the possibility of ingestion of water," but that doesn't explain why women nursing on the pool deck are asked to go into change rooms.

I applaud the mothers for taking a stand on the issue of public breastfeeding. It drives me crazy that breasts are flaunted all over our billboards and media and we love to see them in a sexual context, but when boobs are doing what nature designed them to do - feeding a baby - nobody wants to see that.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This Weekend: Feminist Movie Night!

American documentary filmmaker Darryl Roberts has made a new film about western society's obsession with physical beauty. The film, America the Beautiful, explores where our beauty obsession comes from and the consequences of it.

The film is getting rave reviews, Roger Ebert even said it's "a film that might rescue the lives of some girls ages 12 and up."

The film is playing this weekend at Vertigo Theatre: Saturday April 4 and Sunday April 5 at 5:00pm and 8:00pm on both days.

The filmmaker will be present for a Q&A session after the film. Tickets are $17.50 or $12.50 for students and seniors.

This is What A Feminist Looks Like

Here is a great little video produced by the Feminist Majority Foundation. I love that there are men in this video proudly saying they are feminists!

However, one really sad thing is that the comments on YouTube for this video are extremely discouraging. Scanning through them I've seen all kinds of stereotypes and hateful words about feminism, including "Feminism = total bitch that wants to walk over men," "They're all lonely dykes," and "They're not about equality. They're a supremacist group no different from the KKK."

Sometimes I feel like I live in a bubble because the people around me are intelligent, thoughtful and caring. Then I read comments like that on YouTube and lose complete faith in humanity. Does this happen to anyone else?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


shoequote by fala88 featuring CHANEL boots


blacklove by fala88 featuring Miss Selfridge clutches

the beat


Afghan Women Losing More Rights

The CBC reports that the Afghan government recently announced new laws that further strip women of their rights and give increasing control to men.
Various reports say the legislation would make it illegal for Shia women to refuse their husbands sex, leave the house without their permission or have custody of children.

..."How can we say that our soldiers are there to protect women's rights when the Western-backed leader of this nation pushes through laws like this?" said NDP MP Dawn Black.

"Allowing women to be treated like a piece of property … is this what we're fighting for? Is this what our people are dying for in Afghanistan?"

Read the full article here, or watch the CBC video below.