Friday, December 30, 2011

Feminist film "Miss Representation" to screen in Calgary

This film looks awesome. Miss Representation exposes how mainstream media contributes to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. Please come down to The Globe Cinema on Wednesday, January 18 from 6 - 9 p.m. to check it out and meet other feminists in Calgary!

All the details are on the Facebook event - invite your friends.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I love advertisements with strong, sassy, smart ladies

I just saw this ad for World of Warcraft on TV the other day and I absolutely loved it. First let me say that I do not play World of Warcraft (or any computer/video games, for that matter) but I have definitely noticed their catchy and creative advertisements (have you seen the one with Mr. T?).

Anyway, back to the reason why I like this commercial so much. First, Aubrey Plaza, who's awesomely hilarious in the TV show Parks and Recreation, is equally snarky and funny in this commercial. I love her sassy personality in this ad. She comes accross as a strong, smart woman who don't take no shit from nobody, and I love it.

There's nothing worse than whiny, weak women like Bella from the Twilight series. Kudos to the marketing team at World of Warcraft for portraying smart, powerful women in their advertising, and not trying to "cutesy" up the game or the commercials in order to appeal to women. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Christmas Wish List

Although this is a bit much to ask for here's what I would love to see under the tree....
1... The Alexander Wang bag is probably my number 1 choice - I'm in desperate need of a new black leather bag and this one is so unique.
2. Fashion Books - great reads and great for coffee tables too
3. iMac desktop computer for at home surfing
4. Some short black booties... love the wedges .. these one are Acne... any kind really works for me just need some! ... or want some shall I say
5. Good Candles - I heard the ones from Bath & Body Works are amazing so I found a picture of these ones.
6. Beach Cover-Up for our upcoming trips down south... to wear around the resort & on the sail boat :)
7. Nail Polish set from Sephora - this is truly amazing and would save me from having to decide every now and then what shade to buy from the Drug Stores....

Stole these pictures from random websites... they are not my own photos.