Friday, December 30, 2011

Feminist film "Miss Representation" to screen in Calgary

This film looks awesome. Miss Representation exposes how mainstream media contributes to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. Please come down to The Globe Cinema on Wednesday, January 18 from 6 - 9 p.m. to check it out and meet other feminists in Calgary!

All the details are on the Facebook event - invite your friends.

Friday, December 23, 2011

I love advertisements with strong, sassy, smart ladies

I just saw this ad for World of Warcraft on TV the other day and I absolutely loved it. First let me say that I do not play World of Warcraft (or any computer/video games, for that matter) but I have definitely noticed their catchy and creative advertisements (have you seen the one with Mr. T?).

Anyway, back to the reason why I like this commercial so much. First, Aubrey Plaza, who's awesomely hilarious in the TV show Parks and Recreation, is equally snarky and funny in this commercial. I love her sassy personality in this ad. She comes accross as a strong, smart woman who don't take no shit from nobody, and I love it.

There's nothing worse than whiny, weak women like Bella from the Twilight series. Kudos to the marketing team at World of Warcraft for portraying smart, powerful women in their advertising, and not trying to "cutesy" up the game or the commercials in order to appeal to women. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Christmas Wish List

Although this is a bit much to ask for here's what I would love to see under the tree....
1... The Alexander Wang bag is probably my number 1 choice - I'm in desperate need of a new black leather bag and this one is so unique.
2. Fashion Books - great reads and great for coffee tables too
3. iMac desktop computer for at home surfing
4. Some short black booties... love the wedges .. these one are Acne... any kind really works for me just need some! ... or want some shall I say
5. Good Candles - I heard the ones from Bath & Body Works are amazing so I found a picture of these ones.
6. Beach Cover-Up for our upcoming trips down south... to wear around the resort & on the sail boat :)
7. Nail Polish set from Sephora - this is truly amazing and would save me from having to decide every now and then what shade to buy from the Drug Stores....

Stole these pictures from random websites... they are not my own photos.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas gifts for feminists - 2011 edition

Wondering what to get your feisty lady-friend, awesome gal pal, ball-busting sister, or otherwise kick-ass woman? Well, here are some suggestions.

Feminist necklace

Handmade by "nappyhappy" in England, this charming little necklace is available to order through Etsy.
£10 ($16.22 CAD), plus shipping.

Awesome panties!

Knickerocker makes these awesome Wonder Woman panties in two different styles, plus a pretty awesome pair of uterus panties.

Only $4 each, plus shipping.

Beer cozies for the ladies

It has a fucking unicorn on it!

Order through the Bust Boobtique

$9 plus shipping

Subscription to a feminist magazine

There are three great feminist magazines I recommend, check em out:
Ms. - $42.00
BUST - $29.95
Bitch - $34.95

*all prices are for a one year Canadian subscription

Gift certificate to a second hand store

Feminists love consignment shopping. Well, at least every feminist I know does. Here are my favourite second hand stores in Calgary:

1. Trend - located in Kensington
2. Rewind Consignment - located downtown
3. Vespucci - located at Elbow & Heritage SW

Rosie the Riveter memorabilia

This Rosie the Riveter action figure is only $10, and she comes with a lunchbox and rivet gun! I've also seen these action figures at Paper Roots stores in Calgary.

Or, you could always go for a Rosie wall clock or lunchbox.

Feminist tote bag

Feminists always get a bad rap for being humourless killjoys. Buy this bag for the feminist in your life so that everyone knows she's a bright and happy feminist. Yes, we do exist.
£10 ($16.22 CAD), plus shipping.

P.S. This History vs. Herstory tote bag is pretty cute too.

1950's style feminist magnets

I love these retro magnets. They're usually around $6 each and available in stores like Twisted Goods and Paper Roots in Calgary.

Yummy bath and beauty products

LUSH bath bombs and other yummy products are great for ladies who want to use vegetarian, chemical-free, cruelty-free beauty products. There's lots of pre-made gift packs to choose from.

Feminist books

Two of my feminist friends, Juliet and Tamara, recommended these new books:

Big Big Love: A sex and relationships guide for people of size (and those who love them). This book is for people of every gender, size and sexual orientation.
$13.13 on

Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed Down World by Lisa Bloom. The author outlines the ways that we as a society, and particularly women, have fallen off the intellectual path, and points to how damaging this has been to us on many levels. $18.90 on

Virginia Woolf earrings

These are awesome and only $8 (+ shipping)!

I also found a pretty cool Virginia Woolf t-shirt for $21 (+ shipping).

Friday, November 18, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Great Wall of Vagina: Changing female body perception through art

British artist James McCartney spent five years plaster casting 400 women’s vulvas for his sculpture The Great Wall of Vagina. The project is an exploration of women’s relationships with their genitals.

James came up with the idea while he was working on a different sculpture for a sex museum. He discovered that many women have anxiety about the appearance of their genitals, incorrectly believing they are ugly or abnormal. “It appalled me that our society has created yet one more way to make women feel bad about themselves” he said. He decided to do something about it – so he created art that dispels misconceptions about what women look like “down there.”

The women who volunteered to participate ranged in age from 18 to 76. There is great variety in the vulvas, as you would expect given there are 400 of them. One has multiple piercings, two are from identical twins, there are mother and daughter castings and transgendered men and women. There are even casts from a woman pre and post natal, and another pre and post labiaplasty. 

The sculptures are fascinating to look at and people can view them without feeling shame or discomfort because the images are not pornographic. They allow women (and men) the opportunity to see the immense diversity in female genitalia. Each one is completely different and completely normal.

Check out the videos below to learn more about James and The Great Wall of Vagina (which should probably be called The Great Wall of Vulva, since the vagina is your birth canal, while the vulva is your sex organ. But I’ll forgive James that grammatical mishap, because his project is awesome!). 

Thursday, October 20, 2011


High-tops Aren't Just for Kids Anymore!

Okay, let’s face it: the new synonym for college is broke. Broke as a JOKE. So as we all venture on this 4 year (or probably longer because let’s face it we aren’t all going to strike it rich anytime soon...or at least I won’t be!) journey of just barely getting by and “making it work”, I’ve decided to step in and try to make things as easy as possible on everyone’s wallet! Here I’ll share with you the DIY’s and looks for less that I deem necessary for survival in this struggle I like to call “life”.

So to make it clear, I am all for saving whenever I can and spending as little as possible on everything I buy. I’ve become quite the savvy shopper and ebay-er and I look for a deal even when there usually isn’t one. So, I am happy to present to you all a flurry of DIY’s that are actually worth your time and many a look for less so we are all able to be just as stylish as when we didn’t actually have real bills to pay.

The Look: Olivia Palermo , street-style

For Less:

Since I work at Forever 21, I'm usually pretty up to date on the stock we receive, what we get a lot of and what sells out fast. So, naturally, this is the store I turn to first when I'm shopping because it's convenient and affordable. So just to start out, most of this outfit is from Forever 21, but I'll try to focus on a different store for each outfit.

So, it is my pleasure to present this lovely look to you, the complete package, the whole she-bang, for under $150!

1. Forever 21 Cropped Knit Blazer, $29.80 in Navy

2. Forever 21 Oversize V-Neck Tee, $9.80 in Cream

3. Forever 21 Cuffed Cotton Capri w/ Belt, $22.80 in Light Olive

4. Forever 21 Contrast High Top Sneakers, $14.50 in Navy

5. Forever 21 Anchor Chain Bracelet, $10.80 in Gold

6. Aldo "Teem" Tote, $55.00 in Cognac

Your Total Cost: $142.70

Olivia’s Cost for her Hermes Birkin Bag at the discounted OUTLET price: still $589 (with the regular price ranging anywhere from $9,000 - $150,000 according to the materials used).


Sunday, October 16, 2011

American Apparel had their chance to be cool, and blew it

In August 2011, American Apparel (AA) launched a plus size model search called The Next BIG Thing. Women were asked to submit their photos and the public would vote for the new face of their plus size division.

It all sounded pretty cool to begin with. I was excited... AA is finally branching out to plus size women? Hooray! But then I read the call for models. As you might expect from AA, the call made use of predictable and somewhat demeaning language.
Calling curvy ladies everywhere! Our best-selling Disco Pant (and around 10 other sexy styles) are now available in size XL, for those of us who need a little extra wiggle room where it counts. We’re looking for fresh faces (and curvaceous bods) to fill these babies out. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be the next XLent model, send us photos of you and your junk to back it up.
A couple of problems with their call out:
  1. Wait - they’re only making 10 styles in size XL? That’s not very many. Also, what exactly is “XL”? According to the AA size chart, XL is a size 12/14, also known as the AVERAGE size of American women.
  2. Your language is ridiculous. Extra wiggle room? Curvaceous bods? Your junk? Why does everything related to plus size women need to come packaged in stupid language like “booty-licious”? 
Well, their call for models didn’t just seem awkward and offensive to me. It caught the attention of Nancy Upton, a size 12 gal from Dallas, Texas. She entered the contest as a protest, submitting pictures of herself in alluring poses while eating chicken, chocolate, pie and even bathing in a tub of ranch dressing. Her submission simply said, “I’m a size 12. I just can’t stop eating.”

The public loved Nancy. When the contest was over, she won the popular vote by far. But American Apparel didn’t like that the winner was mocking their contest. So AA’s Creative Director, Iris Alonzo, wrote a letter to Nancy which included the following ridiculous sentences:
It’s a shame that your project attempts to discredit the positive intentions of our challenge based on your personal distaste for our use of light-hearted language, and that “bootylicous” was too much for you to handle.  
Oh — and regarding winning the contest, while you were clearly the popular choice, we have decided to award the prizes to other contestants that we feel truly exemplify the idea of beauty inside and out, and whom we will be proud to have representing our company.
Hot damn! We love Nancy!
So Nancy was shot down by American Apparel. Big surprise. But then something interesting happened. Nancy posted the harsh letter from Iris onto her blog and it went viral. American Apparel was suddenly swimming in bad press and Iris had some serious back-pedaling to do to.

Iris apologized to Nancy and offered to fly her and a friend out to LA to tour the company headquarters and discuss how AA could better market to plus size women. Once again, I had a glimmer of hope that maybe AA could be kinda cool.

Nancy and her friend met with the creative team who organized The Next BIG Thing contest and had an interesting discussion about marketing to plus size women. American Apparel exec’s fed the girls cream puffs (the irony of which was not lost on Nancy), and Iris even took Nancy and her friend out drinking. Things were looking up. “I had a REALLY good feeling about where the company would go after my trip,” wrote Nancy on her blog.

Over the next few days, Nancy and Iris exchanged a few more emails, and then Iris fucked it all up again.

On October 4, Iris wrote:
Marsha and I were trying to remember what we even talked about, and amidst all of the late night fun and cream puffs (compounded by the fact that we couldn’t re-watch the video of the meeting), we can hardly remember what was said at all.
I think Nancy summarizes my feelings about that email pretty well. On her blog she wrote:
This company spent thousands of dollars flying Shannon and I to LA, to meet with their team and they can’t even remember what we discussed. Nor do they care to. They want me to write something happy go-lucky about how positive our meeting was for women everywhere, and then they want to sign off on it, you know, in case I forget anything.
As it stands today, this whole debacle is SO TOTALLY OVER to Nancy. She is done with AA, writing “[Those] three sentences of that email tell more truth about what went on in this bizarro adventure than anything I saw in that factory or those offices.”

So, American Apparel had numerous chances to do something cool here, and they blew it every time. They insulted plus size women in their call to models, they shunned the popular winner of their contest and then insulted her in an email, tried to make it up to her only to flub it all again.

American Apparel, you clearly need advice, so I’m going to offer you a suggestion: Don’t be afraid of change. Or fat girls.

AA: Don't fear fat girls with chicken!
Your stocks are in the crapper, your CEO is dealing with multiple sexual harassment lawsuits, nobody likes your ugly hipster clothes anymore, and everyone’s sick of your sexist advertisements. Clearly, your company is in need of a shake-up. SOMETHING needs to change and I’m not going to pretend I know what that is, but maybe this whole thing with Nancy could have been exactly the change you need.

When your company is already down pretty low, you have nothing to lose by trying something new. Who knows, maybe you could have captured the hearts of North American women sized 12 and up, opening your store to millions of new customers. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, and other stores like Forever 21 and Target have already realized that the “fattening of America is a big business opportunity.”

In light of this whole debacle with Nancy, I fear that American Apparel’s destiny is to fade away as soon as hipster style falls out of fashion. But I’m OK with that, because time and time again AA has proved themselves to be a company that only cares about making clothing for slim, young, beautiful hipster women. Good luck making a profit each year with such a tiny demographic.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lessons in nudity from the Swedish

I recently had the pleasure of visiting my friend Linn in Sweden. While staying with her we attended a couple of fitness classes at her gym. After my first Yoga class in Swedish, we headed to the locker room to grab our runners and hoodies. When I looked up from tying my shoe lace, I realized I was sitting amongst a sea of naked bottoms. All the ladies had stripped down and stood around chatting in the buff while doing their hair.

Two days later we went to another class, and the same thing happened. After class, there was noticeably more nakedness than in a typical Canadian locker room. Friends disrobed in front of one another, chatted about plans for the weekend and generally carried on as if their most intimate parts weren’t on display. And maybe that’s simply because for the Swedes, and many folks outside of North America, the naked body is no big deal.

As we walked home that night, Linn and I compared “locker room etiquette” in Canada and Sweden. At her high school, everyone hit the showers after gym class. As a result, she’s seen all her peers naked over the course of many years.

My high school gym experience was completely different. We never showered after class – there wasn’t time, it wasn’t encouraged and nobody did it. Sure, there were showers in the locker room, but they were used exclusively by the volleyball and basketball teams. Since I never played on any sports teams, I never showered with my peers. In fact, to this day I have never seen any of my friends in the nude.

In Calgary, nudity in the locker room is pretty mixed. Whether you strut your stuff or hide in a change room typically depends on your age, cultural background, and your level of I-don’t-give-a-shit-ness. Generally though, younger women shy away from all-out nudity and prefer to change in locker rooms or shimmy their knickers on with one hand while holding a towel around them with the other. It seems that the older you get, the less you care, and so with age comes nudity.

I’ve decided that I like the European style of locker room etiquette. I believe that the more naked bodies we see, (and I mean REAL naked bodies, not Photoshop plastic bodies) the more comfortable we become with our own body. We get to see the amazing variety in the human body, and we realize that it’s all normal: scars, hair in weird places, saggy boobs, varicose veins, stretch marks, cellulite-dimpled bottoms, the incredible variety of nipple size and colour, and so much more.

I think it’s important that we see naked bodies of all ages in non-sexual contexts. We’ll have more realistic expectations for our own bodies when we see what other people look like. It’s harder to hate your own body when you see your “flaws” in everyone else too. Hiding our bodies from each other breeds insecurity and feelings of abnormality. I hope us Canadians can eventually move to a more European level of comfort with nudity. It doesn’t have to be sexual… it’s just natural and normal.

Friday, September 30, 2011

things i cannot live without...

1. coffee
2. fashion...magazines, blogs, stores, websites...etc.
3. music
4. boys
5. dexter... my dog...
6. makeup (preferrably waterproof mascara, benefit erase paste & roman holiday nars lipstick)
7. planes... because i need some type of transportation to whisk me away on vacations/travels
8. my familia
9. books - what better way to forget about everything else around you.
10. sex & the city
11. cupcakes... in dire need of a good one with lots of icing
12. pizza - if i was stuck on an island this would have to be my choice of food
13. slushy drinks on hot summer days
14. fireplaces on cold winter nights
15. my friends

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fashion's Night Out Comes to Michigan

This Thursday September 8th, Grand Rapids will be a part of the worldwide retail event, Fashion's Night Out. The annual affair is the kick off to Fashion Week in New York City and allows customers to help restore consumer confidence, boost the industry's economy, and put the fun back in shopping at various stores in multiple cities. In the United States, FNO is a collaboration between Vogue Magazine, the Council of Fashion Designers of America, NYC & Company, and the City of New York. Spearheaded by the international editions of Vogue, countries including England, China, Japan, India, Italy, France, Brazil, Germany, Spain, Russia, Greece, and Taiwan are also participating in the festivities.

To be apart of this global event, head out to Grand Rapids for some fashionable fun, chic in-store events and amazing deals!

To purchase a FNO t-shirt, which a percentage of the sales from the Fashion?s Night Out T-shirt will be donated to the NYC AIDS Fund, or learn more about attending this free event, go to


Monday, August 29, 2011

On the Dot

The classic and fun polka dot print is back this fall. Polka dots on a sheer fabric are popular among celebs, such as Jessica Szohr and Kate Winslet. Stella McCartney?s Fall 2011 RTW collection features a white sheer polka dot top. Try this trend with dark skinny jeans and heels for a night out!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fashion Meets Beauty

Breaking beauty news! Drugstore brand Sally Hansen is teaming up with fashion designer Alexander Wang in a collection of nail lacquers just in time for his Spring 2012 show. Debuting on the runway this September, the polish line is the first beauty venture for the fashion house. Our color prediction? A muted grey reminiscent of his punky-chic studded bags.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Tonight's show: Raunchy feminist electro-rocker - Peaches!

Tonight we're exploring the life and music of Peaches - a Toronto-born electronic musician who now lives in Berlin. She is known for her sexually explicit lyrics, raunchy costumes, theatrical stage performances and feminist viewpoints. She plays her own instruments, programs her own electronic beats and produces her own albums. Basically, she's an all-around awesome lady and a great feminist icon.

Interviewer: "You knowingly offend a lot of people, Peaches. What offends you?"

Peaches: "The Jonas Brothers."

Style Smarts

With school starting in less than two weeks (eek!), finding chic and smart school supplies can sometimes be hard to find. But we've found the top 5 things you need to be fashionable and still get those A's!

1) Lilly Pulitzer Large Agenda ($24.95,

2) Marc Jacobs Sharpies ($2 each,

3) Banderole Pencil Set ($12,

4) Juicy Couture Vintage Floral USB Drive ($48,

5) Polka Dot Tape Set of Two ($10,


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Take Back the Night 2011 Poster

Take Back the Night 2011 will be held on Friday, Sept. 23 at 8 p.m. in Connaught Park (11 St. and 14 Ave. SW).

You can download the 2011 poster to distribute in your community.

Fall Military Trends

Military inspired pieces are all the rage right now! Grab a pair of combat boots like these for $30 from Target to rock this trend. They look remarkably like Steve Madden?s version and cost $70 less. A fresher take would be to wear a cargo jacket instead of last fall?s skinny cargo pants. For a night out, heeled combat boots are an option. Look to celebrities like Jessica Alba and Rachel Bilson for inspiration.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Aug 15 show: Feminist news roundup

This week Jennie and Allison host a feminist news roundup. These are the stories we've been reading, following, and think that other feminists will be interested in. Naturally, each story will be served up with a hearty spoonful of feminist opinion from the hosts.

Gloria Steinem calls for a boycott of upcoming TV show "The Playboy Club"

The race and gender gap in lifetime earnings - no surprises here, women make less!

A new study suggests gender equality leads to more sex - hooray for feminism!

Banned chemical levels are high in pregnant women in California - yikes.

Polygamist Warren Jeffs sentenced to life in prison for child molestation - thank goodness.

School-mandated sex education FINALLY returns to New York

The It Girl

The movie theater lately seems to be full of a bright redhead named Emma Stone. Hollywood's newest It girl, is starring in two of this summer's biggest movies, "Crazy Stupid Love" and "The Help." Plus, she makes a hilarious cameo in another summer blockbuster, "Friends With Benefits." Emma's charm has also followed her onto the red carpet, stunning in pieces by Tom Ford, Giambattista Valli and Chanel. Her style choices are chic and modern, showing everyone that the good girl can get get it all. With more big movie roles (like the new Spider-man movie), magazine covers (she's Teen Vogue's cover girl this month) and fashionable appearances, it's obvious Emma will be Hollywood's darling for a very long time.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Missoni for Target Sneak Peek

Photos from the new Missoni for Target line (out next month) were leaked on a Tumblr blog, named All The Way Up Here. The author of the blog, Marina, says the photos were given to her by Margherita Missoni. The Missoni collection will be the largest in Target?s Go International designer history. It includes women?s, men?s and children?s apparel, a bike, home décor, accessories and luggage. The line hits Target stores September 7th and prices range from $7.99 to $199.99. Thanks to Budget Babe for the tip!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reveal Your Inner Kitchen Beautician

Constantly investing in new beauty treatments can be a strain on a collegiate budget. Ensure that you remain ravishing with these homemade alternatives—all found within your kitchen. So go ahead, treat yourself to a spa-like day of pampering with natural ingredients: hold the chemicals, please!

Face exfoliant: blend two tablespoons each of plain yogurt and ground oats with one teaspoon each of brown sugar and lemon juice. Apply the paste to a damp face and let it soak in for at least twenty minutes. Rinse and reveal a moisturized visage!

Lip scrub: combine a teaspoon of honey, extra virgin olive oil, and brown sugar. Rub a hearty amount on the surface of lips to moisturize, exfoliate, and help prevent peeling and flaking. A perfectly smooth pout will result.

Hair reviver: mash a banana and avocado together into a purée and apply as a paste to hair. Allow the mixture to soak into your locks for fifteen minutes before rinsing out. Shampoo and condition as normal afterwards. The result will be shiny, soft hair to replace dry, tired tresses.

Teeth whitener: crush a strawberry until it is reduced to a pulp and mix with equal parts baking soda. Use a toothbrush to spread the mixture onto teeth and let sit for five minutes. Rinse away the residue with toothpaste and a good brushing. While it’s no replacement to teeth bleaching, it is a cheap, fast way to effectively remove stains from wine, coffee, and dark soda. Shine on, smiles.

Happy mixing… you kitchen chemists, you!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Call to performers for Take Back the Night

If you're a singer, poet, dancer or just passionate about ending violence against women, then you should consider being part of Take Back the Night 2011 in Calgary. The Call to Performers was just released - check it out!

Call to Performers for Take Back the Night - Calgary, 2011

Calgary’s 28th annual Take Back the Night event will be held on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 8 p.m. in Connaught Park at 11 Street and 14 Avenue SW. Take Back the Night is an international movement designed to raise awareness about violence against women and to support the well-being of those who have been and are in abusive situations. Each year between 200 to 500 women, men and children attend this free event in Calgary.
The evening begins with a rally featuring local speakers, musicians and artists. Attendees will then take to the streets for a march to symbolize the right women have to walk the streets and feel safe. 

The Take Back the Night planning committee is seeking individuals or groups to perform or speak during the rally. The tone of the rally is respectful and serious, so only performances that are sensitive to the nature of this event will be considered. The types of performers we are seeking include:
  • Musicians, singers, songwriters

  • Spoken word poets

  • Dancers

  • Speakers (i.e. someone who has been personally affected by violence, or has a loved one that has been affected)

Performances are short – if you are speaking, dancing or performing spoken word poetry, we ask that your presentation be no longer than 5 minutes. Musicians/singers will have the opportunity to perform one to three songs, depending on the total number of musicians chosen.

If you are interested in applying to be part of the Take Back the Night rally, please email by Thursday, September 1 at 5 p.m. and tell us:
  1. Who you are and what you do

  2. The type of performance would you like to share at Take Back the Night

  3. Why you want to be part of Take Back the Night

  4. If you require or if you will be bringing any special equipment for your performance

We will confirm that we have received your email and will let applicants know which performances were chosen for the rally on or before Sunday, September 4.
If you have further questions, please email or phone 403-816-5818. You can find out more about the event by visiting the website or Facebook page.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Fashionable Friendship

Who knew arts and crafts could be so on trend? Celebrities like Lauren Conrad (pictured), Miley Cyrus and Nicole Richie have all been spotted with their wrists full of braided friendship bracelets. This childhood craft looks great with different colored bracelets stacked high, with different textures and beads. Plus, with National Friendship Day on Aug 8th, what couldn't be better than making your best friend a heartfelt and fashionable accessory? Here's how to:

1) Head to your local craft store first to pick up waxed thread, rope, colorful ribbons, yarn or string. Also, remember to get securing materials like glue and clasps, and beads and rhinestones for embellishments.

2) Begin to braid! Choose three pieces of string, dying a secure knot at the top and braid the bracelet an appropriate length for the wrist. You can try different braid patterns such as the candy stripe, chevron weave, or corkscrew method. After cutting string, knot ends or string beads on before tying the loose ends. Now time to share with the friends who are always so chic, and always there for you.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Feminist walking tour of Calgary - August 11

Join the Women's Centre of Calgary for a walk through downtown to learn some of our her-story. This guided tour will feature stories of the women who came before us, and discussions about contemporary women's issues. Everyone is welcome.

Date: Thursday, August 11
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Meeting point: at the horse statue outside City Hall (800 Macleod Trail SE)
End point: Central Memorial Park (1221 2 St. SW)
Cost: Free

For more information, check out the Facebook event, or call the Women's Centre at 403-264-1155.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Designer Deals

Get name-brand items for less on sites such as Ideeli, Beyond the Rack and Gilt. Each site offers deals on specific brands for a short period of time. When shopping on sites like these, it?s important to remember that if you see something you like, buy it right away, because items sell out very fast. Another tip when shopping on sites like these is to visit them every few days because the inventory changes. Gilt has been featured on the CW?s, Gossip Girl, and features high-end designers like Helmut Lang and Charlotte Ronson. Beyond the Rack and Ideeli are priced lower but still offer great deals on brands like Joe?s Jeans and French Connection.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Track listings from tonight's show: Local female musicians

Since today was Heritage Day, we decided to celebrate Calgary's local musical heritage! We brought you seven tracks by (or featuring) fabulous femmes from our fine city. Here's the listing:

1. Lauren Mann & The Fairly Odd Folk - Lost in the Sound
2. Tegan and Sarah - So Jealous
3. Transit feat. Jann Arden - Calgary (check out the video - Mayor Nenshi makes a cameo!)
4. Rae Spoon - Strength from Within
5. Sidney York - Dick & Jane
6. Feist - Limit to your Love
7. Kara Keith - Kick this City

Bright Young Thing

With summer coming to a close soon, these last few weeks are for wearing your summer best and showing off those golden tans. An awesome trend to try is mixing neutrals and neons. To achieve this trend, try wearing summer whites and neutrals paired with neon lips, nails or accessories. Jil Sander's Spring 2011 Collection is a perfect example of this trend. By pairing a simple white tee with a neon skirt, this chic, minimalist trend is achieved. Kim Kardashian also shows off the trend by pairing classic white jeans, nude heels and a tan shirt with a great neon yellow Hermes Birkin bag. Some great pieces to invest in are Cambridge Satchel Company's Neon Satchel ($128,, Splendid's Nude and Pink Striped Tee ($81,, Zara's Neon Heels ($100) and Nars "Schiap Shocking Pink" Nailpolish ($17, Bonus? The neturals and neons BOTH help to make your summer glow pop even more.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

VIM Trend Watch: Suspenders

Rock the menswear trend seen on celebrities such as Taylor Momsen and Victoria Beckham (pictured) by wearing suspenders this summer. Forever 21 has their own $20 version of this look (Added bonus: The suspenders are detachable). If you?re skeptical about trying this trend, wear a top that matches your suspenders or one that?s close to it, to make them less obvious. If you?re willing to take the plunge, wear a tie with your suspenders, a lá Diane Kruger. Suspenders don?t have to be worn with just shorts. They can be worn with skirts, high-waisted shorts or pants. Remember to add a feminine touch to keep the suspenders from looking too masculine. Last but not least, remember to be confident and own your look!


A Magnetizing Nail Polish Trend Alert

If you’ve Shattered and Crackled your nails to their limit, try magnetizing lacquer. LCN has a new line of polish that uses magnetic attraction to create unique designs within their metallic shades. By holding a specialized magnet over wet polish for 10-15 seconds, nail aficionados are able to add a subtle yet intriguing design to their fingertips. While the eight varying shades of polishes are only $9.90 each, the necessary magnets (which are available diagonally lined or star shaped) are $19.90. It’s quite a price tag for magnets, but just might be a trend worth investing in.


Monday, July 25, 2011

A Glamourous Collaboration

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's clothing line "The Row" have teamed up with TOMS Shoes to debut three styles of classic TOMS slip-ons. The shoes, done in luxurious fabrics such as cashmere and wool that are often seen in "The Row"'s collections, are priced between $140-$150, and like all of TOMS Shoes, for each pair purchased, a pair will be given to a child in need. ?Having the opportunity to be a part of something so meaningful has made the collaboration with Toms so special to everyone at The Row,? Mary-Kate said in a statement. You can buy the collection on

- Carly Hill