Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why Can't We Love the Skin We're In?

Women in India, Africa and Asia buy skin-lightening cream to whiten their skin. In many of those cultures, lighter skin is associated with a higher social/economic class and is highly desirable. Here in North America, we've got white girls frying themselves in tanning beds to become darker. Why can't we just be comfortable with the skin we're in?

Here's my theory: If women were happy with their appearence, cosmetic companies and tanning salons wouldn't make money. In the 1950's, advertising executives firgued out that when women feel shitty about themselves, they'll spend money to try and fix the problem. Advertising uses a technique that I like to call "create a problem, offer a solution." It works like this: First, they make you aware of some "problem" such as wrinkles around the eyes. Wrinkles are NOT a problem, they are a natural part of the aging process, and something we can do nothing about. But once the advertisement has convinced you that wrinkles are a serious problem that you CAN fix with anti-wrinkle cream, you'll go out and buy it. That's how they suck you in. Low self esteem equals big spending.

My advice: Stop reading women's magazines that feature these ads. Mute the commercials while you're watching TV. And don't ever let any stupid fucking advertisement make you feel shitty about yourself. You are a divine creation, beautiful in every stage of your life. You don't need anti-wrinkle cream, anti-cellulite cream, make-up, tanning salons, skin-whitening cream, hair dye, hair extensions, breast implants, lip plumpers or any thing else like that. Instead of spending money on that crap, spend a little time learning to love yourself, and I guarantee you'll develop REAL self confidence and save money.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tonight: Local Events and Lovely Tunes

Tune in tonight to hear about up-and-coming local events that should be of interest to Calgary's feminist community. We'll also play a few tunes to delight your feminist ears.

Here are femme-friendly events that shouldn't be missed:

Afrikadey! - Celebrate African women's voices - Sat Aug 8, Princes Island Park

Femme Fatal Carnival
- An erotic evening of dancing and entertainment: striptease shows, magicians, dirty balloon animals (!!!) and so much more. Friday August 14. Tickets are $20, get 'em at Blame Betty on 17th ave. Proceeds go towards helping young girls get off the

Calgary Fringe Festival - Uncensored and artistic theatre. July 31 to August 8. Click here to see Yeah What She Said's picks for the best feminist-themed plays!

Hit up Kijiji to see some local women's events, including women's retreats, gender awareness workshops and an intimacy workshop. Cool!

The Power of Women - See some of the world's most influential women, including Barbara Walters and Erin Brockovich. Live in Calgary on September 18.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

leopard bra

love my sister and our cab rides home after a night of dancing plus vodka.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


like my re-newed zara boyfriend blazer? i took off the white pearly buttons that came with it and stopped at a button/fabric store on queen here in toronto to add my gold buttons.
horray for uniqueness.

life of my own

who doesn't know what im talkin' about???
who's never left home, who's never struck out?..
to find a dream and a life of their own.
a place in the clouds, a foundation of stone.
she needs wide open spaces
room to make her big mistakes
she needs new faces
she knows the highest stakes
she traveled this road as a child
wide-eyed and grinning, she never tired.
but now she won't be coming back with the rest
if these are life's lessons, she'll take this test.

...she needs wide open spaces.

wide open spaces - dixie chicks

Friday, July 24, 2009

So, Women With Short Hair are "Insane"?

Solange Knowles, the younger sister of Beyonce Knowles, recently cut her hair super-short and has been taking some serious heat for it.

Jezebel reports that some of the bullshit responses from the media include:

- MTV news wrote: "The motive is still unclear, but considering how gorgeous her mane was, it's not a great style choice."
- The Hollywood Gossip website wrote that Solange was "batshit insane" to cut her hair
- The Daily Fail accused her of pulling a Britney Spears, even though Solange had her hair professionally cut and did not shave it off herself like Britney

I can't believe how much crap this poor woman is taking simply for cutting her hair. I hate how a woman's femininity or sanity is often questioned if they go from long hair to short. Why do so many people think all women must need and want long hair?
As for Solange, she was so upset by the outrage over her hair that she posted a great response online. She was particularly upset that the topic of her hair was talked about more than the Iran election - a true sign of just how shallow and sad North American society has become!

Here are some clips from Solange's response:
i. have. done. this. twice. in. my. life. i. was 16. i was 18. did. not care about your opinion. then. dont. care. now. dont. need. your. attention. or. your. co-sign.
i am #3. trending topic. before. IRAN. &. some of you cant even locate it on a map. its sad.
i. just. wanted. to. be. free. from. the. bondage. that. black. women. sometimes. put. on. themselves. with. hair.
this. phase. of. my. life. i. want to spend . the time. the energy. and the money. on something else. not in the hair salon.
ONLY reason i responded to this i have is because i was disappointed to see my name more talked about than Iran election.
we. gotta. do. better. people.
Indeed Solange, we've got to do better.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lap Dancers Make More $$$ When Fertile

Something we discussed last night on our radio program was how women's menstrual cycles and our pheromones affect our sexual attraction to others, and their attraction to us. Studies have shown that when women are ovulating (fertile), men find them more attractive. Naturally, when a woman is on a hormonal contraceptive (such as the birth control pill), it suppresses ovulation and thus does not achieve the same effect.

While cruising the internet today, I came across a study from 2007 that found that lap dancers make more money in tips when they are ovulating. Here's a clip from the study abstract:

...we examined ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by professional lap dancers working in gentlemen's clubs. Eighteen dancers recorded their menstrual periods, work shifts, and tip earnings for 60 days on a study web site. A mixed-model analysis of 296 work shifts (representing about 5300 lap dances) showed an interaction between cycle phase and hormonal contraception use. Normally cycling participants earned about US$335 per 5-h shift during estrus [ovulation/fertile], US$260 per shift during the luteal phase [infertile], and US$185 per shift during menstruation. By contrast, participants using contraceptive pills showed no estrous earnings peak. These results constitute the first direct economic evidence for the existence and importance of estrus in contemporary human females, in a real-world work setting. These results have clear implications for human evolution, sexuality, and economics.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tonight's Show: Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Tonight we had the pleasure of interviewing Laura Wershler, the executive director of Sexual Health Access Alberta. Laura talked about the barriers women face when attempting to access information about non-hormonal options for birth control.

If you are interested in learning a natural, holistic method of fertility management, I would suggest the Justisse Method. I use this method myself, and have found it to be effective and empowering. In the seven months that I've been off hormonal contraceptives and using this natural method, I have learned so much about my body, gained confidence in my ability to understand my own body, and best of all, I understand my cycle.
(The Catholic version of this method, which Laura briefly mentioned, is the Billings ovulation method.)

Sexual Health Access Alberta wants to hear about your experiences trying to find support in using non-hormonal birth control methods. Send an email to info@sexualhealthaccess.org and use this subject line: "Birth control experiences." Laura is also interested in establishing a focus group to discuss this subject. If you're interested, send an email to the same address.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Maybe It's True, After All...

For a good laugh:

My mom sent this one to me in an e-mail where the subject line asked, "Are Women Born This Way?" I had to put away my disapproval of the stereotype just because it's so freaking cute.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Safe Food is a Feminist Issue

As women, we are largely responsible for the decision-making and purchasing of food that our family consumes. How safe are the foods we put in our bodies and give to our children? A new film, Food Inc., explores this topic.
The film is about the American food system, which is different from Canada's, but definitetly still worth checking out. Empower yourself with knowledge about where your food comes from, and take your health into your own hands.

The film is playing at The Uptown from July 17 to 23. Check it out!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Abused women can seek asylum in USA

The Obama administration has opened the way for foreign women who are victims of severe domestic beatings and sexual abuse to receive asylum in the United States. The action reverses a Bush administration stance in a protracted and passionate legal battle over the possibilities for battered women to become refugees.

Check out this NY Times article for more info.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tonight's Show: The Exploitation of Women in Hip Hop Culture

Tune in tonight to hear a discussion about misogyny in rap music. In particular, we will look at how black women are sexually exploited in rap music videos.

A video that we will discuss in detail is Nelly's "Tip Drill" - one of the most perverse rap videos that has been produced. Some of the most offensive scenes involve Nelly swiping a credit card through a woman's ass, throwing money at women's asses, and explicit woman-on-woman sex scenes. I don't want to promote this video, but if you'd like to watch it, you can view it on You Tube. Viewer discretion is advised!

Here are some links to some interesting articles we found related to misogyny in hip hop culture:

Please join us tonight from 8:30 to 9:00pm (MST) on CJSW 90.9 fm, or online at cjsw.com. Our show will also be available to download incase you miss it live!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Relationship Advice from Sexist Assholes

AskMen.com has an incredibly sexist and downright insulting article on their website. The article, Top 10 Subtle Ways to Tell Her She's Getting Fat, basically advises the partners of chubby women to humiliate them into losing weight.

Here's a sample of some of the stellar advice:
  • Take her to places where she has to wear a swimsuit
  • Leave "now" and "then" photos lying around
  • Sabotage her chair
  • Ask her to wear an old dress
  • Buy her clothes that are too small
  • Sign her up for yoga under the pretense of "stress relief"
Here's my own little bit of advice for men: Have an open and honest conversation with her about it, and provide her with positive support. Sure sounds a lot easier than sabotaging a chair or making her feel shitty about herself - which would likely have the opposite effect.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sex Sells - Even the Calgary Stampede Thinks So

Check out this ad I found in FFWD magazine a couple of weeks ago. It's an advertisement for a "ladies getaway" at the Calgary stampede.

So, I get that it's making a reference to the Superman thing where he rips off his suit to reveal his superhero costume underneath. But in this advertisement, it's more like she's thrusting her breasts in your face than revealing her "cowgirl superhero costume." Also, the design of her western shirt has black arrows conveniently pointing directly at her nipples. Looks more like an advertisement for her breasts than a ladies getaway at the Stampede.

Does this irk anyone else?

World's Strongest Vagina!

Tatiata Kozhevnikova, a 42 year old woman from Russia, apparently has the world's strongest vagina, according to Guiness World Records. She has been exercising her "intimate muscles" for fifteen years and can lift 14 kilograms (almost 31 pounds) with her vagina. Wow.

How exactly does she lift weights with her vadge? Tatiata explains, "You insert [a ball] in your vagina, and it has a string attached to it with a little hook at the very end. You fix a second ball onto this hook."

Vaginas are pretty amazing, eh? Not only do they give us pleasure, allow us to pee, bleed monthly and deliver human life.... they can also lift weights! Vaginas rock.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tonight's Show - Music To Your Feminist Ears

Geea and I have selected some delicious tunes to play from artists we'd like to share with you. So, please join us tonight for a special Musical Edition of Yeah, What She Said. We might mix it up with different genres (i.e. feminist friendly punk, electro, soul and folk...) so that you - our favorite people in the world - get a nice blend of flavours to enjoy on your Monday evening.

Join us live at 8:30 pm (MST) on CJSW 90.9FM and www.cjsw.com

The Playlist

Pretty Girls Make Graves - Pyrite Pedestal from Elan Vital (2006)

The Distillers - The Young Crazed Peeling from Sing Sing Death House (2002)

Sonic Youth - Making The Nature Scene from Confusion Is Sex/Kill Yr Idols (1983)

Ani DiFranco - Round A Pole from Red Letter Year (2008)

Pink - Stupid Girls from I'm Not Dead (2006)

Esthero - That Girl from Breath From Another (1998)

Fever Ray - When I Grow Up from Fever Ray (2009)

Recommended Reading – The Birth House by Ami McKay

I just finished reading a fantastic book that will appeal to my fellow feminists – especially those who are interested in midwifery, women as healers, and women’s traditions and wisdom.

The Birth House is about a young woman, Dora, who becomes a midwife in a small town in Nova Scotia. The novel is set around World War I and focuses on Dora’s experiences as a midwife and healer. It is a fascinating tale of the struggles women have faced to maintain control over their own bodies and to keep birthing traditions alive in the face of modern medicine, which often claims to be superior than traditional knowledge.

If you enjoy a good fiction book, pick this up and you won’t be disappointed!


wishing for the wants

i want a sewing machine.
i want to see you.
i want to make pillows.
i want eternal sunshine.
i want time to share this every minute.

i wish years were longer.
i wish we were closer.
i wish i was more sophisticated.
i wish i had a better camera.

i wish i want i wish i want.
i love you.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

image also courtesy of le love
"you wear the pants, i'll wear the top"

yes please.
wish my hair looked that cute

you know who you are.

woman in power......????
image: le love

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Artist, Jasmine Valentina's Domestic Mobility

A couple of weeks ago, Geea and I sat down with local artist Jasmine Valentina at the CJSW studio to talk about her latest project entitled, Domestic Mobility. It was an interactive performance art piece that made its way through the streets of downtown Calgary. Jasmine's attempt was to re-contextualize femininity as a symbol of strength and protest the male dominant, destructive culture of the city by toting a small car-sized house through the city's streets, stopping to interview passersby and document their responses to the performance. All of this occurred while Jasmine donned perfectly hyper feminine '1950's housewife' garb.

As promised, we have posted photographs of the affair (thanks to Jasmine for providing these!). Video interviews with the public and other documentation of this performance are scheduled to show at Stride Gallery (on the +15) beginning August 6, 2009.

Domestic Mobility - Downtown Calgary, June 2009

Photos courtesy of Vanessa Riego and Pamela Norrish

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sexism at Wimbledon

According to British feminist blog, The F Word, there's a lot of sexism going down at the Wimbledon Championships - the oldest and most prestigious tennis tournament in the world.

The All England Club, which hosts the tournament, admits that it schedules matches between “attractive” female players for centre court. Less attractive players, such as Serena Williams, are relegated to court #2, even though Serena is a two-time champion at Wimbledon.

Club spokesman Johnny Perkins said, "Good looks are a factor," and an unnamed BBC source is quoted as saying "No one has heard of many of the women now, so if they are pretty it definitely gives them an edge. Our preference would always be a Brit or a babe as this always delivers high viewing figures."

Absolutely appalling.
Click here to see pictures of the ladies that made centre court, court #1 and court #2. The relationship between the court's rank and their physical appearance is obvious.